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Hi BOb 04-18-2006 04:52 PM

" yeah the 1.6 server was also 24-7 militia and as we wintnessed it was a complete failure ". How DARE you say that!

shanknbake 04-25-2006 12:21 AM

awps don't matter
awps really dont matter.....personally I dont care if there is a restriction on the awp...I'd just as well use the ak or colt or my favorite..the deagle :P makes no diff to me. And for those that are tired of getting owned w/ the awp...learn to counter it by use of the magic FLASH :) it does wonder...as does SMOKE......but like i said..either way;)

oh and one more point.....with the lag on the server....isn't it scary to awp?:eek:

Homizide 04-25-2006 02:51 PM

just please restric awps two per team. I hate it a lot of people hate it, so please two per team I hate awp fest...

HostMaster 04-25-2006 02:56 PM

Maybe we should just raise the cost of awps

Homizide 04-25-2006 03:07 PM

even then... people will still buy it, not as many but still a lot.... dunno its yuor server your choice im here to serv.... please update my admin level.. please!!!! *starts to cry*

shanknbake 04-25-2006 04:10 PM

Awps are big deagles with scopes
or maybe you should make 2 seperate servers, one without awps for Homizide , and one for everybody else :-P
...I wish people would just accept that awp is and has always been apart of the counter-strike game and if people can't stand its use, then perhaps this is not the game for those people. Maybe try...chess? or even go to as great a length as to seek out a new server to play on when awps have taken over the server and you are too frusterated to deal with it? I know for certain that there are awp-free servers and wouldn't it be easier to play on one of them then to complain/[edited]/moan to Hostmaster...? I mean, you don't hear anyone complaining about people who use the P-90? If i had my way I'd take that gun out of the game as I find it much more inoying then the awp....as, unlike the awp, it takes little to no skill to use it. YOu might say that any "noob" can pick up an awp, but it takes much skill to be talented with it (i.e. be able to use it at close range/run around/rush with it..and be just as deadly with the secondary gun). anyways, I hope that I"ve reached the souls of some of you youngin's :-P

HmniQ 04-25-2006 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by shanknbake
...then to complain/[edited]/moan to Hostmaster...?

please refrain from the foul language, especially if you're applying for admin :)

shanknbake 04-25-2006 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by HmniQ
please refrain from the foul language, especially if you're applying for admin :)

opps :-P sry If I offended you

RoDenT 04-25-2006 10:10 PM

nah the swearing doesnt offend most of us, its just a rule we have. i personally dont care if awps stay or go. my opinion is that they are part of the game and should be looked at it that way. i remember back in quake 2 in the dial up days where there were LPBs and HPBs and they would bitch if someone shot a hyperblaster complaining it would lag them and called it the hyperlagger. This is kind of the same concept of awps. It's part of the game, you shouldn't restrict it. But thats just me

shanknbake 04-25-2006 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by RoDenT
... they would b**** ...

oooOo he said the b-word!!!!! but i agree w/ what he said ;-P

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