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InsainBrane 10-20-2006 06:15 PM

admin abuser
hi i would like to report an admin abuser who goes by the name of -=LoD=-S.}{OOo|oor (exept in different letter style if this isnt enough let me know)
on a server called Deathmatch *100tick* with music
This admin kept sayin he was the best and all i said was lol suurre and so he kicked me and 1 or more others Ive been playin on that server for awhile now and have had no problems with abuse until he came in. It would be great if u guys could help me with this cuz i dont think thats right.

p.s sry if i confused n e one im new at this
and this is for css just in case i didnt post in right spot

Homizide 10-20-2006 08:58 PM

we dont have deathmatch servers......
can I have my admin back please? Theres like no one on anymore..

RoadKill 10-20-2006 11:33 PM

Your not jokeing bro there's nobody on anymore at night's.

InsainBrane 10-21-2006 10:30 AM

huh? what r u talkin about

Homizide 10-21-2006 02:07 PM

we dont have 100 tick death match servers our admins dont wear tags that say LOs or w/e they look like [pd]name goes here

chrisharper23 10-21-2006 03:18 PM

Yeah, thats not our server. I don't play anymore on our server really, and who wears the tags? lmao

Homizide 10-21-2006 03:31 PM

I dont play on it either im on zm and scout maps mostly.

Alt F4 10-23-2006 01:30 PM

You guys are quitters.

SniperK 11-06-2006 02:19 PM

hahah yep no one plays there no more reason being admins suck i.e killer rabbit.but its kewl even host knows u suck.and all the other admins wanted to change **** to much.if the server was kept at 24/7 dust 2 it'll be more full..i still play with every 1.for example obsurd and who ever else the regulars are..its just the server got gay because of the gay admins always trying to change map and the gay new vote thing..but this is just my 2 cents..

Homizide 11-06-2006 03:34 PM

did I want to change sh**? What did ya think of me? :confused:

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