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Homizide 10-21-2006 03:38 PM

Any active members left?
Heyyo its homizide now =kt=homizide :D anyone still visit the forums should say sup cuz pdgaming is looking like a dieing cancer patient...

Caboose 10-21-2006 05:20 PM

Thats not nice to say now.

MaStEr~X 10-21-2006 05:49 PM

wshost.net/pdgaming was a thriving patient until the cancerous steam was inhaled by the voluptuous pdgaming. Unfortunately, many people were exposed, and the epidemic claimed the lives of a significant number of them. However, there remains a strong few that choose to fight back against the cancerous steam, and they refuse to stop until they have WON.

RoadKill 10-21-2006 07:40 PM

Im still here :) hope that helps

Homizide 10-21-2006 07:48 PM

cool at least some still visit nice ta talk to ya guys again

bigboy61483 10-21-2006 10:09 PM

ya, i'm here. I'm there every other night, late.

Homizide 10-22-2006 07:42 AM

so far 4 people have replied in 2 days.... :(

noob 10-22-2006 12:17 PM

still here

chrisharper23 10-22-2006 05:47 PM

still here. I work 50 hours a week and don't wanna play bots, and noob up there is in the gym 50 hours a week =) hahahaha !

Homizide 10-22-2006 06:57 PM

chyea our server needs a revive so whats your job?

Caladium 10-23-2006 08:12 AM

lol Master, that was nice ;D

Hi BOb 10-23-2006 09:02 AM


Liggy 10-23-2006 11:17 AM

I am around. Just not playing.

Alt F4 10-23-2006 01:36 PM

Life + World of Warcraft = no Life

That being said... if someone buys me a PS3, I'm quitting WoW.

Liggy 10-23-2006 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Alt F4 (Post 5369)
Life + World of Warcraft = no Life

That being said... if someone buys me a PS3, I'm quitting WoW.

If you are quitting if you get a PS3... just sell your account and get a PS3 with the money.

HostMaster 10-23-2006 02:50 PM

Oooh, but if you sell your account then you can't decide to play again later.. it would be,. like permanent or something.

Besides, who could give up all those epix! Like oh my gosh purple is delicious.

Homizide 10-23-2006 06:33 PM

k cool peoples are repyling now dang ive had some good times on the pd server.

chrisharper23 10-27-2006 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by Liggy (Post 5370)
If you are quitting if you get a PS3... just sell your account and get a PS3 with the money.

Yeah cuz the last time I checked WoW accounts sale for 900$

Figure 600 for the PS3 and then u need some games and ****....

MaStEr~X 10-27-2006 05:31 PM

You can sell your life for $900? How much does it cost to get it back?

chrisharper23 10-28-2006 06:43 AM

^ LOL.... Was yours a joke? cuz mine was, hahaha

Alt F4 10-30-2006 11:17 AM

I wouldn't sell my account because I may actually want to pick it back up some day...

That'd be like deleting all my saved game files on my PS1/PS2 memory cards. I'd have no proof of my accomplishments.

I really want a PS3 though.

Homizide 10-30-2006 04:33 PM

mine is pre ordered :D

HostMaster 10-30-2006 11:16 PM


pre-ordered? you haxor.

whats the latest pushed-off-release-date for PS3 now?

Homizide 10-31-2006 06:46 AM

november 17th

Alt F4 11-03-2006 11:05 AM

I might do what I did when the PSP came out...
Go buy it at Walmart.

When PSP came out I went to Best buy and there was a line 50 people out the door, drove over to Walmart (which had already been open almost 3 hours at this point) and picked up one of the 50 or so remaining systems they had. The lady there told me about 6 or 7 people had gotten one before me. HA!

bigboy61483 11-07-2006 06:36 PM

the information on the ps3 is legit. but buying one at walmart isn't guarantee.

Alt F4 11-08-2006 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by bigboy61483 (Post 5437)
the information on the ps3 is legit. but buying one at walmart isn't guarantee.

True, but the factor by which you can rely on your local walmart to carry one is completely dependent on your area.

In my area we have at least a dozen major electronic retailers within a 3 mile radius of my house. I'm sure most people would think to try those locations before trying walmart.

Homizide 11-08-2006 12:17 PM

I live in Vacaville, so I have a walmart, target, gamestop, best buy, comp USA within my town, and half an hour away is sacramento and fairfeild which has 3 best buys, 4 gamestops, and a lot more. :D

Alt F4 11-09-2006 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by Homizide (Post 5444)
I live in Vacaville, so I have a walmart, target, gamestop, best buy, comp USA within my town, and half an hour away is sacramento and fairfeild which has 3 best buys, 4 gamestops, and a lot more. :D

Gamestop will have 0 PS3s on launch, since they pre-sold every last one in October, sadly enough.

I was in sacramento once. Wasn't much there... basically a freeway, a truck stop, and a bunch of dirt. They might have built it up since then, though... it was almost 10 years ago. :D

Homizide 11-09-2006 03:43 PM

lol try 18 electonic stores in a 8 block radius. I can also go so San Fransisco to the sony store if I wanted. :)

Alt F4 11-13-2006 09:59 AM


When I stated "at least a dozen major electronic retailers" I was referring to stores like Fry's Electronics, Best Buy, Circuit City etc, not your run of the mill Game Stop or Radio Shack, and the "dozen" reference is simply a gross underestimation (to be on the safe side), since I never plan on counting all of them.

Did you actually drive the 30 minutes down to Sacramento to count all the stores there? You said 18, not about 18, or almost 18, but exactly 18. :rolleyes:

And you'd have to drive all the way from Vacaville to San Francisco just to go to a Sony store? Isn't that like over 50 miles? There's one a mere 15 minute drive from my house.

Why am I arguing with you about stores anyway?

Orange County > Sacramento in every possible way imaginable.

Homizide 11-13-2006 04:32 PM

lol Vacaville is very electronics oriented. I could also drive 15 min to fairefield to go to best buy ect.

KillerRabbit 12-01-2006 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by HostMaster (Post 5371)
Oooh, but if you sell your account then you can't decide to play again later.. it would be,. like permanent or something.

Besides, who could give up all those epix! Like oh my gosh purple is delicious.

Well Selling the account would be better then what i did.....

Lvl 60 rogue all Teir1 Over half Teir 2 Lots of Aq stuff, Drop for the dagger that you made after beating the twin guys...
What i did.. was stupid very stupid indeed i decided to D/e everthing i ever owned and give it away then deleted my char.. So!!! dont do what i did freaking sell sell sell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

p.s 150days gametime wasted......
p.s.s better to just buy a damn epicezord char! after all whos going to support the farming community!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yes im around just busy.. college ect.. i try to drop in when i can =) forgot about posting here..
p.s.s.s.s yes i quite for a my girlfriend but i should sold it....

HostMaster 12-02-2006 11:25 PM

Wow my gosh he sold his account just after he posted this on the guild forums. O:!


There is no sense deleting this thread. By now everyone in the guild should have received this as an
e-mail or private message in the forum.

Allow me, for just a moment, to pull a Bav and go nuts for seemingly no reason.

I am absolutely positive I am not the only person who feels this way, but rather than speak for the masses
I'll speak purely for myself.

My initial thoughts of this guild were grand. I could tell we had some epic potential and some great raid
leadership. In the beginning things were crazy-fun, as I'm sure many of you will recall. Everyone was having
a great time -- even while wiping on Rag, then Vael, and finally Firemaw.

Ah, the good ol' days...

Then Bav tried running the guild. Yeah, sure, he had always been Guild Master, but up until this point he had let
the guild sort of guide itself through the mist. My thoughts are he probably should have left it that way.

-- Strike one --
Not much more than a month after the guild's conception, Bav exploded in frustration over a chasm that was
beginning to form amongst two cliques the in guild. He did this in front of 40 people, in the middle of
BWL... an event that truly only considered a handful of people. "Leave the guild, gquit right now. I
guarantee you, I will replace your ass and we will be back in here in less than a month. All of you, leave now!"
What a nice way to build stability.

It turns out Bav's uncanny raid leadership skills don't quite translate into good guild leadership.
I began to notice an interesting anomaly: As Bav became a more effective raid leader, he became more and more of
a terrible guild leader. I'm sure he was aware of this; his natural instinct was to tighten his grip on players.

"Anyone who says anything negative about any of the officers will be added to the **** list. [And can't raid.]"
Wow... it simply does not get more tyrannical than that. Naturally, like any dictator, Bav was frightened by critics,
and absolutely stringent on never correcting his own flaws.

-- Strike two --
Deleting every post in the forums, and effectively ended all raiding. This has to be the most
epic mistake you have ever made, Bav. I am sure you regret it, whether you will admit to it publicly or not.

Oh, and then... the audacity!

-- Strike three --
**** talking everyone you FORCE to leave the guild. Just because your family plays this game doesn't mean
everyone in the guild is family. People don't want to waste $15 a month on ZG wipes. People play to progress.
You halt all effective raiding and expect them to stay? Absolutely unbelievable!

Replace me. Replace Aladys, Bergs, BlackiE, Ulrith, Oscar and all the rest. All the people that believed in YOU.
All the people YOU turned your back on. Do you honestly think you can?

No guild under this leadership will ever see the inside of BWL again. Not as long as anyone is around to
remind people of these atrocities.

Vital Force is dead. All thanks to you, Bav.

Good luck on a new server, and congratulations to you and your family on all those banked goods.
That must've been what you meant when you said you were "preparing for the expansion."

Hi BOb 12-11-2006 07:35 PM

Selling accounts make Jesus cry.:(

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