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KillerRabbit 03-28-2006 06:32 PM

Awps.. on this map its geting out of hand, you have like 3-4 awps on one side just killing the other side and its geting unreal. Personaly i dont see how ppl can get so many awp kills though doubledoors theres just that little time you see the person or hit ever awp shot and get 70+ 10. You see them and then there gone, i dont know if its poor hit boxs or what. I think we should really consider doing 1-2 awps a team or a no awp day on the week.

24/7 dust2 is bad enough but when you have 2 of the 3 ways you can run on the map camped by awps and your teammates dont awp its just kills the game.

Caladium 03-28-2006 06:50 PM

Yeah I must say it's rather lame when you play for 30 mins, and then find that every death was from an awp :p Dust2 seems to be a breeding ground for awpers though, so it's the maps fault not the players :cool:

Homizide 03-28-2006 09:24 PM

right... how about 2 awps per team limit, or up my admin so I can restrict weapons... what level am I on now 3?

SniperK 04-13-2006 04:36 PM

awps is the key to the server...the reason its full all the time is cuz its not restricted..or minimized to any number.the regulars on the server all use awp if u notice..but this is kust my 1 2 on the situation i really don't mind as long as its avliable

KillerRabbit 04-13-2006 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by SniperK
awps is the key to the server...the reason its full all the time is cuz its not restricted..or minimized to any number.the regulars on the server all use awp if u notice..but this is kust my 1 2 on the situation i really don't mind as long as its avliable

Awps are not the key to the server so we lose 5 awp whores..... theres been a lot of complaints on it, people have left the server from the awps. Ive seen a team 5/6 with awps killing the crap out of the other team. It needs to be put on a limit, but the admin mod isnt updated so we cant atm. I highly doubt limiting the awps on the server is goign to affect the population the 1.6 server i admined on limited it to 2 a team did just fine.

Yes i would liek to see a awp free day, would be nice not to killed over and over beacuse score awp whores who cant kill with normal guns.

jellydoughnut217 04-13-2006 10:42 PM

i usualy restrict awps whenever they get out of hand when im on ther server. Many are thankful for it, few complain. Those who complain are the ones whoring the weapon.

Liggy 04-13-2006 11:33 PM

Sadly, once they get a little crazy, I end up using em just to cull the other teams awpers =/

jellydoughnut217 04-14-2006 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by Liggy
Sadly, once they get a little crazy, I end up using em just to cull the other teams awpers =/

liggy is the one whose always ihaveadirtymouth when i take his awp and then bitch slap him to kingdom come for no apparent reason

FaceFull 04-14-2006 03:32 AM

awping middle from t side is mostly about crosshair placement and timing. i usually setup to awp people jumping across. i palce my crosshair at the edge of the left doorway between the gap and at the height of their jump. if someone runs across i usually dont even try for the shot cause i know someone else will try to jump across since 90% do.

in pubs i like to awp on ct more and in matches i like to awp on t more.

SniperK 04-14-2006 08:24 PM

yeah the 1.6 server was also 24-7 militia and as we wintnessed it was a complete failure...so my point is that this isn't 1.6 so u can't compare the game and yes 80% of our regulars use awp so there for limiting it and restricting it will diffentaly effect out population as well as skill lvl of the game..

KillerRabbit 04-14-2006 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by SniperK
yeah the 1.6 server was also 24-7 militia and as we wintnessed it was a complete failure...so my point is that this isn't 1.6 so u can't compare the game and yes 80% of our regulars use awp so there for limiting it and restricting it will diffentaly effect out population as well as skill lvl of the game..

I didn't admin whs server, i admined a different server that was 24/7 militia and when we limited the awps to 2 per team THE POPULATIOn didnt change. Theres not that many regulars on the server that awp alot. Mosly i think your just not wanting to come on the server and not being able awp. 2 per team on a 24 server is fair awpers are happy and the for the most part ppl are hapier then haveing more then2 awps. Higher admins should vote on it.. theres no way its going to kill the server popuation... if you want to awp just awp that badly go on a awp server. IT WILL NOT affect the server popuation, ppl geting pissed at awps > awpers. End of decusion..

jellydoughnut217 04-14-2006 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by SniperK
yeah the 1.6 server was also 24-7 militia and as we wintnessed it was a complete failure...so my point is that this isn't 1.6 so u can't compare the game and yes 80% of our regulars use awp so there for limiting it and restricting it will diffentaly effect out population as well as skill lvl of the game..

you know sniper....i think your pretty full of yourself. Feel free to make any argument you want, i have no problem with that, but you dont have to do it with a sense of superiority. Now i understand that you may not be trying to convey this message, but whether you mean to or not you are. As for the topic of restricting the awp i think it is a good idea. 2 awps per team is perfectly fair. That "estimated" 80% of regulars probably only amounts to about 8-10 people anyways, and i highly doubt that if theyre regulars on the server they will stop playing here just because the awp has been restricted, and in the event that they do id put money on it that new regulars come because they like the restriction of the awp. Now you do have a point with the fact that the server went down hill last time we changed it around, but its not like we cant change it back if it doesnt turn out the way we want.

SniperK 04-15-2006 07:59 AM

that is a very true and valid statement..except the point that i'm full of my self.reason y i argueing is not because of what u think.reason being i am a awp whoire and i would be very upset if i let a noob have an awp and i was left with out 1...u guys may take me as an imapottymouth but i'm not..i'm just putting down my arguement with valid points..thats all

SniperK 04-15-2006 08:01 AM

also the only people that cry about awp is the ones that arent good at it...good ole host on the other hand also enjoys the awp very much..there for he will not complaine..but i have noticed the only ones that cry are the only ones that arent good with it..

jellydoughnut217 04-15-2006 02:13 PM

not to toot my own horn or anything, but im not too shabby with an awp. I dont use it very much though, because i think playing with rifles is more fun. When the whole server is overpowered with awps its not the same game anymore. Besides just because the awp is gone doesnt mean you cant snipe. I usualy use the scout when i snipe anyways. It takes more skill to use and its so much more satisfying nailing someone with the scout than the one hit auto kill awp.

P.S. Why do we call it the awp? Isnt it the arctic warfare magnum? Where does the p come from?

SniperK 04-16-2006 09:47 AM

true true but i also like realizm wuts the point of snipeing someone if u can't kill them with 1 shot...1 shot 1 kill or 2 kills if ur leet like me....hahhahaah but no doupt also useing awp gets borings dats y i leave or do mp5 rushes

Tatsuo 04-16-2006 12:23 PM

what are you guys arguing about stupid stuff like that. We are here to admin the server and point out stuff that might need improvement on the server, you guys don't need to go off on each other. All you need to do is put your suggestion here and let the higher authorities decide wether or not it will be a good idea to restrict the awp. Personally i like to awp, that's what i do and i do that because i have fun doing that, other people might not like it, ie JELLY, however that's your prerogative, you like to snipe with scout fine. Yea i see hella awpers on the server and i like that because its fun dualing awp vs awp especially when there good awpers and that surely doesn't mean that you can't kill awpers with any other guns. I see few complaints about awping on the server... yes FEW complaints but i do see them and i agree with sniperk that people that generally complain are the ones that aren't doing so well with the gun or the game itself and typically are the ones that call better players "hackers" and im not saying at all that we shouldn't restrict the awp, not my decision to make but i think the game right now is fine, we got plenty of people that are ENJOYING the server and the game on the pd server.

chrisharper23 04-18-2006 11:51 AM

I play all the time, and I have to agree with both sides, yeah its getting out of hand because now the T's are not the only one spawn camping, you're starting to see CT spawn campers with Awps.

But then I agree that awps are part of the game whether people like it or not. And people have to remember there are ways around awpers. People just need to buy their **** quicker and JUMP by the double doors on CT, and Jump by at T spawn.

I know my opinion is not like a deciding factor, but as a player this was my 2cents.

I was transformer_fan but i joined a clan and now Im »Þ« Ғϊязگŧāŗţëř

I think that by people leaving the server show's they're not true CSS players. They have to get use to it if they wanna play in CAL.

I say work on the lag issue before even touching the AWP problems. lmao

Tatsuo 04-18-2006 12:00 PM

i agree 100% with "chris" about the lag, but i think we have already talked about that issue amongst everyone and we know what we have to come up with to get the server to have less lag ($$$$$$) hehe :p

SniperK 04-18-2006 03:26 PM

yup agreeed with chris

Hi BOb 04-18-2006 04:52 PM

" yeah the 1.6 server was also 24-7 militia and as we wintnessed it was a complete failure ". How DARE you say that!

shanknbake 04-25-2006 12:21 AM

awps don't matter
awps really dont matter.....personally I dont care if there is a restriction on the awp...I'd just as well use the ak or colt or my favorite..the deagle :P makes no diff to me. And for those that are tired of getting owned w/ the awp...learn to counter it by use of the magic FLASH :) it does wonder...as does SMOKE......but like i said..either way;)

oh and one more point.....with the lag on the server....isn't it scary to awp?:eek:

Homizide 04-25-2006 02:51 PM

just please restric awps two per team. I hate it a lot of people hate it, so please two per team I hate awp fest...

HostMaster 04-25-2006 02:56 PM

Maybe we should just raise the cost of awps

Homizide 04-25-2006 03:07 PM

even then... people will still buy it, not as many but still a lot.... dunno its yuor server your choice im here to serv.... please update my admin level.. please!!!! *starts to cry*

shanknbake 04-25-2006 04:10 PM

Awps are big deagles with scopes
or maybe you should make 2 seperate servers, one without awps for Homizide , and one for everybody else :-P
...I wish people would just accept that awp is and has always been apart of the counter-strike game and if people can't stand its use, then perhaps this is not the game for those people. Maybe try...chess? or even go to as great a length as to seek out a new server to play on when awps have taken over the server and you are too frusterated to deal with it? I know for certain that there are awp-free servers and wouldn't it be easier to play on one of them then to complain/[edited]/moan to Hostmaster...? I mean, you don't hear anyone complaining about people who use the P-90? If i had my way I'd take that gun out of the game as I find it much more inoying then the awp....as, unlike the awp, it takes little to no skill to use it. YOu might say that any "noob" can pick up an awp, but it takes much skill to be talented with it (i.e. be able to use it at close range/run around/rush with it..and be just as deadly with the secondary gun). anyways, I hope that I"ve reached the souls of some of you youngin's :-P

HmniQ 04-25-2006 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by shanknbake
...then to complain/[edited]/moan to Hostmaster...?

please refrain from the foul language, especially if you're applying for admin :)

shanknbake 04-25-2006 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by HmniQ
please refrain from the foul language, especially if you're applying for admin :)

opps :-P sry If I offended you

RoDenT 04-25-2006 10:10 PM

nah the swearing doesnt offend most of us, its just a rule we have. i personally dont care if awps stay or go. my opinion is that they are part of the game and should be looked at it that way. i remember back in quake 2 in the dial up days where there were LPBs and HPBs and they would bitch if someone shot a hyperblaster complaining it would lag them and called it the hyperlagger. This is kind of the same concept of awps. It's part of the game, you shouldn't restrict it. But thats just me

shanknbake 04-25-2006 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by RoDenT
... they would b**** ...

oooOo he said the b-word!!!!! but i agree w/ what he said ;-P

chrisharper23 04-26-2006 12:42 AM

Yeah they have to stay, I mean You wouldn't take the suit away from the Mater Chief in Halo MP would you???

But Host what if it was kinda like DOD:S where there are a certain amount of awps that can be bought? ( DOD uses classes though but ya know what I mean) I love being the sniper in DOD:S but the servers i play they are first ones to fill up.

3 per team?

1 awp for A, 1 awp for B and one awp for Middle. Teams might work together more, i dunno, no one ever really wants to work together.

Lets face it there are a lot of players who only awp which is cool, you get good with a gun hey Im all for it. So if they die or all awps are full it makes them play like everyone else. IMO you wouldn't see an awp lying on the ground anywhere, lol. Hell I've seen 6-8 awps lying in same place, lol.

Just an idea, I know its been suggested before, but I would be cool to limiting awps. At least lets try something different and if we don't get good responses we can switch back.

crazy wombat 05-10-2006 12:23 PM

The problem with awps is that they are both noob and professional-simultaneously:mad:

A noob can kill another noob or an O.K. player. but a good awper like sniperk can kill an entire team. If the noob is killed, they probably won't have enough to buy another one even if they killed 1-2 ppl. if a good sniper is killed by a mp5 rush, they usually can afford it and keep it long enough to make enough money to get another one if they die. also, good snipers usually suck with semi-autos, rifles, etc. I think that steam should creat a sniper training program-and remove the awp. Scouting is so much more rewarding. And harder:)

Fishing For Bullets 05-10-2006 02:49 PM

The problem with awps in the game is they make it realistic when running with one, you can't run worth a damn with it the thing weigh allot, for instance the Marine Corp M40A3 weighs about 20 lbs, your not likely to jump around looking through the scope and hit the broad side of a barn with it, and that is were steam lost it, they took that realism away. I used quit a few weapons during my military days, and watching people in the game with the awps is not right. Jump to the side, hit the crouch key, bang your dead.

People have just adapted to the key strokes to cheat the system.:cool:

crazy wombat 05-20-2006 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Fishing For Bullets
The problem with awps in the game is they make it realistic when running with one, you can't run worth a damn with it the thing weigh allot, for instance the Marine Corp M40A3 weighs about 20 lbs, your not likely to jump around looking through the scope and hit the broad side of a barn with it, and that is were steam lost it, they took that realism away. I used quit a few weapons during my military days, and watching people in the game with the awps is not right. Jump to the side, hit the crouch key, bang your dead.

People have just adapted to the key strokes to cheat the system.:cool:

Speaking of the military, I know for a fact that the army wouldn't send a bunch of unogniszed ct's to combat terrorists. We would usually have a plan, and go in slow and sweep the area. Throw flashbangs first so they were disoriented, before they got arrested. also used tear gas.

SniperK 05-20-2006 05:24 PM

crazy ur gonna be my next best friend if ukeep sucking up 2 me

Fishing For Bullets 05-22-2006 03:10 PM

Point taken, but you wouldn't send in a sniper carrying a semi-cannon jumping side-to-side like he was in an aerobics class to place them in cuffs either. lol

My point is, steam has gone to great lengths making the game realistic. It's still just a game, but in my opinion the attempt to eliminate cheats in game is false when they left one embedded in the game allowing people to jump sideways and pressing the crouch key to aim accurately. Granted you can do that with all weapons, but all other weapons don't equal a kill except for a hs with one shot.

Don't get me wrong, I believe awps have a place in the game. Weapons are designed for specific purposes, some to be used while moving, others to be used while standing or crouching (No Movement). My hat goes off to those that can do it, I'm amazed at the skill it takes to achieve this. Don't take it personal I have fun playing with you guys and enjoy your in-game company.

All I ask is that you take it easy on this old man.

crazy wombat 05-22-2006 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by SniperK
crazy ur gonna be my next best friend if ukeep sucking up 2 me

omg u R sooo kewl lololollolol :) :) :) :)

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