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Nut Waisted 08-22-2006 11:18 AM

totally noticeable
:mad: Hi, I was playin on your sever (its the only server i play, most people are respectable, and most people dont cheat), except for one person. Im not going to give my name out there since it probably could be one of u admins, (i really hope not). His name is One Sh@t, and earlier today I specd him for a good 20 mins. All i can say is someone better do something with this guy, he is cheating and its so noticeable (esp distance only from what i can tell). I just cannot understand why losers out there have to cheat on a server that the damn first rule is no hacking...So if its the #1 rule, then why isnt this guy banned (u do realize that there are cheats out there that vac cannot detect, thats why this cheatin punk has been playin on your server ever since i started playin on it). I just cannot understand why there are pricks out there that just cant play a normal game without cheating (and why? ive got banned once before by VAC and let me tell u it sure aint worth it when u gotta spend another 60$ to get a new account. I dont have a pic of the hack, nor do i have his steam id (how in the hell am i gonna get his steam id, i aint no admin here...and if hes an admin..u should be ashamed of yourselves:mad:)

Liggy 08-22-2006 12:08 PM

Everyone can get steam ID's with a simple 'status' command in console.

jellydoughnut217 08-22-2006 01:48 PM

no proof = no ban. hit ~ type "record 'file name here' " in console while specing, then when its done type "stop" in console. Upload the video here.

SniperK 08-22-2006 05:31 PM

it dun matter wut ur name is..u are prolly 1 of the biggest noobs in the server lmao esp distance..dude go buy a good sound card and stop running off ur 16 bit
if it snot ur sound card try playing wiht head phones..with good head phones u could heare a USP silenced across the map..usp distance wut a noob

SniperK 08-22-2006 05:32 PM

forgot to add..if he hacked i would be to because we are real life friends.and wut he has i would have and we all kno i don' hack

Tatsuo 08-24-2006 12:09 AM


Nutwasted, i am an admin on the server "Mama's BOy" and have been an admin since cs:1.6 and have been playing CS since beta version, and one thing that i know for sure is that one_shot has been playing since that time as well. I know him personally and i play on his computer all the time, so i can guarantee that he doesn't cheat or has any cheats on his computer. He's very good at being able to spot where players are on the map just by sound, just like any decent players should be able to. If you're unable to do that, try it, put on some headsets and see if you can tell where your teamates die from by using ur radar and sound. Just a friendly advice, and it doesn't hurt that he's pretty quick with the trigger, not as quick as me though. LOL

PS:speaking of cheaters, why do you hate on cheaters so much when you got banned from VAC once before? hahaha

SniperK 08-24-2006 06:43 AM

that tatsuo guy on top is a genuine noob

chrisharper23 08-24-2006 03:59 PM

I've caught Rabbit hacking, lol...hahahahaha

Homizide 08-24-2006 04:41 PM

lol I remeber pointing out where peole were on the map, and I can remember what admin said it, but he asked if I wall hacked.

KillerRabbit 08-24-2006 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by chrisharper23
I've caught Rabbit hacking, lol...hahahahaha

Yes, I have the leetest hacks!!! like the negitive aimbot. Probably not the right place to post.. being this has nothing to do with hackers unless its me and my leet hacks or my uncaning ablility to nade myself.

chrisharper23 08-24-2006 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
or my uncaning ablility to nade myself.

hahahaha I miss seeing those, lol. Yeah we got some super elite underground top secret authorized personel security clearance hacks =)

bigboy61483 08-25-2006 08:20 PM

one shot needs to be watched. it's notice from masterx. tell me if i'm wrong.

Tatsuo 08-26-2006 07:22 PM

hahah Shadow you are wrong. Like i said i will put my admin priviledge on this. ;) I know 100% that he doesn't hack. My 2nd house is 20mins from him so i pretty much stop by his place at least twice a week. hehe

chrisharper23 08-28-2006 08:30 AM

i've played with him a lot, no hacks just an awp whore! lol lol

KillerRabbit 08-28-2006 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Tatsuo
hahah Shadow you are wrong. Like i said i will put my admin priviledge on this. ;) I know 100% that he doesn't hack. My 2nd house is 20mins from him so i pretty much stop by his place at least twice a week. hehe

No offence your word doesnt really mean anything just if hes found out you lose admin =p, you could just be covering for him. What its a possiblity lol not trying to flame or anything.

Homizide 08-28-2006 06:50 PM

tat lost his admin? WHY?! even I havent lost mine.... :p

SniperK 08-28-2006 10:31 PM

homi ur so funny thats y i love u.hahah anyways no tat didn't loose his admin hahah killer was just stateing that tat is a nub and wut he says don't matter.and that if one shot was hacking he would loose his admin

Tatsuo 08-28-2006 11:40 PM

LOL i don't want to fume or anything like that, by coming from you rabbit a below average player, decent admin, i don't take your word to heart as well. I see how well you respect the words of an other admin which is fine by me. :p
And if anyone thinks that foo one shot hacks.. man i'm just laughing my ass off. I give it to him that he's an abover average player, but it seems to me that rabbit thinks anyone that does well on the server must have somekind of hacks. LOL I should just tell homizide (who i know lives 30mins from me and one shot) to go to one shot's house with me and show him how he plays just to prove my point so that rabbit can crawl back to his rabbit hole :D

SniperK 08-29-2006 07:12 AM

i see this thread being flamed in the next few post after meeh i suggest u close it

Tatsuo 08-29-2006 10:31 AM

I love sniperk, such a nub :o noone is flaming here, just someone named sniperk who is always trying to start something hehe

SniperK 08-29-2006 12:06 PM

lol trying to start me no..never hahah naw u kno how it is..fool..all them e-thugs on here..always got something to say..when we all know the truth..hahah anyways CLOSE THE THREAD HOMIES

Caladium 08-29-2006 01:30 PM


by coming from you rabbit a below average player,
You don't take his word simply because he's a below average player? That seems rather childish to me.

Tatsuo 08-29-2006 01:39 PM

Childish no... i don't take his word to heart because a below average player will not be able to distinguish between a good player and one that hacks. The job of an admin is exactly that and if you can't be able to distinguish between the two i don't know what you are doing being an admin. If you have any doubts you should ask another admin, not put him down saying that im backing him up just because i know him.. the fact is because i know him is the reason why i'm telling you that he's not hacking and yet he still perseve as to say that i want to cover for him? I don't question the fact that rabbit is looking into one shot to see if he hacks or not, i understand that; but if you can't take the word of two admins that see him play all the time, you probably need to play more and learn a little bit more about how better players play. just a thought

SniperK 08-29-2006 02:10 PM

CLOSE IT CLOSE IT...u kno cal only sticks up for rabbit cuz rabbit lives in cal's back yard hahaha..jk jk..but naw its cuz there like butt buddies.but what ever..CLOSE THE THREAD KEEP THE PEACE

Caladium 09-04-2006 07:15 PM

Rofl, since when have I ever stuck up for Rabbit? I'm not saying he's an amazing player, but just because you suck doesn't mean you can't tell if someone is hacking or not. Also, I'm not saying OneShot hacks, it's obvious he doesn't.

On a side note - I honestly hate you SniperK, as I've never seen you make a single constructive comment anywhere on these forums. I'm not going to hold it against you, but I had to let that out for my own peace of mind.

COM | T3h1337rMuffin! 09-04-2006 07:50 PM

just get a demo of him. yeesh not that hard. record name.dem then stop to stop, that too hard?

SniperK 09-04-2006 09:21 PM

lol everyone hates me..o well doesn't stop me from being me


Originally Posted by Caladium
Rofl, since when have I ever stuck up for Rabbit? I'm not saying he's an amazing player, but just because you suck doesn't mean you can't tell if someone is hacking or not. Also, I'm not saying OneShot hacks, it's obvious he doesn't.

On a side note - I honestly hate you SniperK, as I've never seen you make a single constructive comment anywhere on these forums. I'm not going to hold it against you, but I had to let that out for my own peace of mind.

Hi BOb 09-05-2006 10:06 AM

If everyone hates you can you dont change no one will ever like you /dance

SniperK 09-05-2006 11:41 AM

lol.no everyone is a broad statement a lot of people like me only nubs hate me..its okay tho..cuz i kno i'm a kool guy =)

KillerRabbit 09-06-2006 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Tatsuo (Post 4858)
Childish no... i don't take his word to heart because a below average player will not be able to distinguish between a good player and one that hacks. The job of an admin is exactly that and if you can't be able to distinguish between the two i don't know what you are doing being an admin. If you have any doubts you should ask another admin, not put him down saying that im backing him up just because i know him.. the fact is because i know him is the reason why i'm telling you that he's not hacking and yet he still perseve as to say that i want to cover for him? I don't question the fact that rabbit is looking into one shot to see if he hacks or not, i understand that; but if you can't take the word of two admins that see him play all the time, you probably need to play more and learn a little bit more about how better players play. just a thought

Ok, do you know what your job is as a admin? Its sure as hell not to just be like Oo there good im not going to watch them beacuse well im this leet player that plays alot I know know when people are legit. You watch them when they start doing bs stuff or when you get complaints (like oneshot), i know Ive been specatated a few times and ppl have acused me of hacking oo well. Listen stop thinking ever good player on the server is legit.. you don't and you can't know forsure. VAC sucks, now if we started useing punkbuster there would be less hackers. Atm vac is the most used so thats where the most new hacks are for (even stated by mygot). I do my job, if i think someone is hacking i look into it, I also know how easy it is to cover up a wall hack from my past experience. Theres only been 2 people that ive banned for hacking that got off it btw, now with the over all total of offenders I've banned thats pretty good.

So unless I see oneshot in person pulling off the shots like that your word means jack ****, this is the interent just because you are a admin doesnt make your word 100% taken, for all we know you could be covering up for oneshot. All I was trying to say is we cant take your word for it just because you say hes yoru friend oo well.. is he banned yet no.. so what crawled up your ass?

SniperK 09-06-2006 04:34 PM

i laugh at this thread

Tatsuo 09-06-2006 07:41 PM

LOL same here

Rabbit, like i said, you want to see how he plays in person well that's fine, SET IT UP. You want to have a LAN party ... well Start talking about it, I'm totally up for it, we all live in north california and most of the PD people i see live somewhere in CAL so i don't think it would be too much as to set up a lan party somewhere here. Rabbit i just love the fact that you think i'm covering for anybody, i just find that funny. It's true that i can't know for sure wethere everyplayer on the server is legit or not i have my doubts but when it comes down to oneshot, i'm sure he doesn't hack that's all im saying. By the way since you talk so much about him where's the demo? Since we have had complaints about him so much whey don't you post a demo of him here? You complain so much about him yet you have not done anything to prove to the higher authorities that he is hacking, and from looking at past post a lot of admin agrees with me that he isn't hacking :rolleyes:
LOL i really thought that this conversation was over but rabbit loves to stir things up i guess. ;)

MaStEr~X 09-06-2006 08:59 PM

Tatsuo knows for himself that oneshot doesn't cheat.
KillerRabbit doesn't know for himself whether or not oneshot cheats.
Therefore, KillerRabbit will look and find out for himself whether or not oneshot cheats. And by "find out for himself," I mean he will not take other admins' say-so over his own admining suspicions, regardless of relationship(s).

If KillerRabbit finds out for himself that oneshot cheats, and bans him for it, then he'll present whatever evidence he has used to come to his conclusion to me [if oneshot refutes his banning].

COM | T3h1337rMuffin! 09-06-2006 10:26 PM


To all who think someone hacks, just take a flippen demo.

I said how to do it. Now to locate it, its in cstrike folder.

Normally C:programfiles/steam/steamapps/username/counter-strikesource/cstrike/demonameyoumade.dem

you can view the demos by going into css. (Not in a server) and in console (you might have to enable it under advanced keyboard options first if you havent already - lame css made default no console)....
.... type playdemo DemoNameYouChose.dem

then to stop just close out (hit esc of concole) or let it finish. I wont tell you how to record to tga as thats not used in viewing, only movie making.

Last stem. Get on the forum. Post a note saying you think someone hacked. (HAVE HIS STEAM ID, USER NAME ETC - Found by typing status in console , like earlier you might have to enable console) (NOTE YOU WILL NEED TO DO THIS WHEN YOU ARE IN THE SERVER WITH THE ACCUSED PLAYER SO HE SHOWS, YOU CANT DO IT IN THE .DEM FILE).

Copy the list. Minimize css, open notepad (In windows - All programs - accessories - notepad) (linux users - well your on linux disregard this whole thing as you almost guaranteed know what you are doing anyways) and past it to it. Get the steam id and post it with the name of the player (exactly like you copied from "status" command in console. And say you have a demo. The admin *moderator* will most likely reply with directions from there. most likely an email addr to send it to etc. .dem files are universal and can be played on any comp with the same game regardless of css or steam updates. (Ive viewed my 1.5 dem files a week or so ago. All I had to do was reinstall cs 1.5.)

Thats it. What a mouth full . I just wanted to explain it really good for all of you that are new, or just never done this. It helps stop time wasting, especially for most of the admins, because im sure they would rather be fragging or doing something else pdgaming wise. GL HF keep it real and safe. (That means no throwing keyboards, bashing your head on desk, or punching out your monitor. That should only be done by trained professionals like myself. : D. []Deace all. - T3h Muffin Will own your deagle. (Once he picks it up after popping your head off first throught 3 walls down the stairs and still make it a legit shot : D )

Ps if ya interested in using the .dems to make a movie just ask me. Theres some great sites out there for css and cs movies, but guess what, you gotta find em yourself! Or just ask me, Ill guide you in the right way, but not tell you how to do it. Moviemaking is an art, not something to be taught all the time. It takes the process of learning step by step, research, and program usage to give you true love with it.


Tatsuo 09-07-2006 12:07 AM

now that's what i call "being thorough" hehe i like that! Thank you for the help. I'm sure everyone knows how to take a demo...

chrisharper23 09-07-2006 03:16 AM

yeah if you do not know how to record a demo F10 your life now!

COM | T3h1337rMuffin! 09-08-2006 04:17 PM

the sad thing, id say over 75% of cs people dont know how to record. I still find people that are like DUDE i havent played this map before. And its nuke or inferno. Like I said, alot are new, especially on css. It was a christmas present for most kids along with a new computer. HAHA. its so true. I just didnt want to hear someone start asking questions. Type so much that they cant even think of a ?. That was my outlook on it. hehe.

I just dont like stupid questions. But remember, there are no stupid questions, just stupid people. Now this is boring..... BACK TO THE PILE !!!. LOLerz//

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