2.Homizide some times HOMIZIDE! 3.6 months (not counting the many times ive played half life 1 at my friends house) month. 5.No admin experience :( 6.The reason why I want to be an admin on your server is I like the atmosphere I get really good ping on it because im in cali, and I love the map dust. I would also like to get rid of the people that make other people gaming experiences bad. P.S im on your server all the time. :) So I hope you choose me because that would be really cool! :D |
sup homizide I see you alot in the server.. dont think you ever talked to me lol well its not like giving you admin is up to me I would just like to say that I see him around the server alot and is a total geek with no time on his hands ( arnt we all ) and ya thats all peace out
-bob |
So many new faces I don't know yet! /desinged t-shirt gets my vote.
lol I hope I get admin some guy named jewkiller was on and I sooo wanted to ban him. :mad: but if I dont w/e its still good times.
yes also that cookie guy shoulda deserved a slay :) (yes im corny commando hehe)
Ohh hey dude im glad that dude disconnected he needed to chill out.
so many noobs soo little time.... by that I mean no one talks to me and I'm a very lonely person :( pooor bob..
Wait I do have expierience I have 4 days lol the server had like 666 in it or something but it went down. :) I should of just edited my first post shouldnt of I??
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ligg like you have wwwwaaayyy too much time on your hands. no joke.
Weren't you the one that wrote an 18 page essay on Guildwars in one paragraph!?
:) |
LOL he got it taked away! ohhhh poor bob. :( what happened??
i dont think he lost it for source, he lost it on our 1.6 server a while back.
poor bob ya .. wait.. omg.. me!? bob as in bob as in lives in cal not michigan right!?! IT CANT BE!
Made a mistake sorry.
Please let me be admin!!!!!!! Ever since I got half life two and played source I wanted to become one!!!!! God I hate to begg but please!
I fear for the new guys becoming admin. All I hear in game nowadays is stuff about people wanting X person to be banned cause so and so is annoying or wanting to kick X person for a silly reason.
It's becoming too common for me to log into the server and hear people complaining about an admin. It's disheartening :( |
I wouldndt ban a person for being annoying I would slay them and tell them to stop. Now someone like Jo3 who I told repeatededly to stop spraying porn I would ban him. ashley on the other hand is an exeption because only until an admin told him not to say OMG BOONED he stoped. This is disrespectful to other people on the server I dont think he would deserve a full ban but somethnig near it.
Heck, I warned the T's 10 times today not to excessively camp their spawn, especially with the awps and auto's, ended up slapping 2 guys to death because of it. You could imagine the reaction between the offenders and the people who died because of it. EDIt* Homizide, I know exactly what you mean. I just mute that guy every time he spams that annoying stuff. |
josh, hit me up on aim sometime, w00t0rZ is my name.
personaly i havent been on the server much, which has probably been noticed, since my amazing skill and moves havent been dominating all of you lately, but school+BF2+Job= very little time...anywho last time i was on the server i began to notice the same thing lig just said. I personaly think rules should be made, and since everyone knows that only my personal opion matters and everyone elses dont ive decided to make the rules myself:
1. Lower Level admins give up all admin power once a higher level admin arrives 2.If 2 or more admins of the same level are present in the server then whoever arrived in the server first is the only one allowed to use the admin powers until a higher level admin arrives, or that admin leaves; in which case the second admin would take control. 3. Banning and Kicking are used only for SERIOUS reasons. Bans primarily for cheats, and possibly the violation of other server rules if it continues after warning, AND a kick. Kicking is used on players who you have warned about something (this something would have to be a violation of server rules, not something you personaly think is wrong, it is not your server). DISCLAIMER ****Jellydoughnut217 has no power whatsoever over this server, therefor that renders these rules totaly and completely unenforcable, unless otherwise noted by HM himself, p.s. jellydoughnut is a babe magnet, and is currently having an affair with everyone on this forums girlfriend, hot friend, mother, sister, aunt, grandma, cousin ect. |
EDIT* I don't see why people would have to waste 5 mins of game time to find out who's who, who was in first ect. You can see their name beside the command, anyway, I don't see why that should be implamented. However, i look forward to seeing you. just tell me your name ok? :p |
What, so you expect us to ignore your suggestion just because it isn't enforceable? I was giving you feedback. If you don't want it, maybe you should put that instead of "this isn't enforcable".
no im just saying dont try and enforce something thats not an actual server rule, because those rules are not related to the server in any way, and shouldnt be enforced, because they do not exist.
When did I go upon the act or say that I was going to be enforcing your statement? I was responding to your SUGGESTION which you SAID WASN'T a rule, and then you go and say "some people just don't read lables". The hell does that mean, or have anything to do with what I have said.
for the love of god |
because it seemed like you were taking the post seriously, i wanted to make sure u didnt
umm can we get back to me becoming admin? =/
ok homizide, what I want to do is, is get in contact with you anytime in the near future to talk to you about your admin. My aim name is w00t0rZ, give me a message. Ill need yours as well. Basically what is going to happen is, I will give you the rundown of how everything is done and ask a couple of questions. ;)
uhh I dont have aim or yahoo I dont have none of that you can just pm me.
Well im happy to announce that I got admin and a lot of people like me! :D yes some people were being anoying and one guy kept mocking me so I gave him the warnings and such (i actualy gave him 5) then I gimped him he still wouldnt stop so I slaped him after I sorta felt bad. Altough I really wish I could of just kicked him. :(
loook a fellow loser that people mock!!!
I sport wood when I see a tree. Love me?
I love you. :p wait what did I say? :eek:
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