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shoon 08-15-2006 01:25 AM

Application For Admin
1. Sean
2. shoon
3. I have read and agreed to all the rules posted
4. I play all throughout the day, but mainly at night around 12 - 2
5. I've been playing since CS 1.5
6. I've been playing on this server for about 5 months
7. Unfortunatly i do not have any admin experience but i am extremly eager to learn.
8. I want to be an admin because i often see cheaters and want to stop them from ruining others times in the server so they enjoy playing in it and continue to come back and i believe that i will be able to help with that.

Hooters 08-15-2006 09:06 AM

You don't want to be come admin... (not an official stance of the server) (just my thought that it ruins the game having to be admin and worrying about haxors to the maxor and other such suxoring stuff)

Homizide 08-15-2006 10:25 AM

ZOMG its shoon, this dude rocks he has my recomendation, I see him on the server a lot too. :D

bigboy61483 08-15-2006 06:03 PM

looks like a good asset to me. he has my recommendation.

Hi BOb 08-15-2006 08:52 PM

hoots like wazup u know our birthday is on the same day!? OWNAGE.. oh ya whatever I dont care if we need admins let people that play nots be one I gusse ... cheese

HostMaster 08-15-2006 09:02 PM

An admin told me he was wall hacking.

shoon 08-16-2006 01:38 AM

an admin told you that i was wall hacking?

Homizide 08-16-2006 10:56 AM

Im pretty sure he doesnt hack, otherwise so is liggy, and sniperk....

SniperK 08-16-2006 12:40 PM

lol lignite should never be called a hacker it might tickle him to much..and we all know i'm hax status...hahahah naw i was in there as well and i also assumed he was hacking cuz i have played with him in teh past...and he'd miss a whole lot..and i played with him yesterday he was shooting me behind a door be 4 he even came close of knowing i was there..i wasnt' bz being a stat whore..i woulda recorded a demo but i got a 2nd place spot on the server to with hold.and also he's been suspected by a lot of other players as well..i used to not think it cuz i didn't even think he was dat good..but the door thing happened like a million times..no offence to u shoon..i think ur a kool.but don't make it to obvious

Homizide 08-16-2006 01:03 PM

I was able to kill him, lets put it that way lol as for the whole door thing, sometimes when you run CSS on low setting shadows will apear on the other side, it happens on my laptop a lot...

shoon 08-16-2006 01:34 PM

i just think you are mad because i am 1337 sniper...but dont worry ill teach you a few things haha...homizide is right...i have a laptop and you can see shadows...plus i remember that day when i was shooting ppl through walls...i was just getting really lucky. next time make sure i dont see you before you go behind the wall. i am really really good and will most likely kill you if you do that. but for the record, if there were no walls and just an emty map, you would kill me all the time sniper

Homizide 08-16-2006 01:44 PM

lol I think I even knifed shoon one time but not enough to kill :mad: lol sniper try putting showdows to high but everything else to low and you can see some glitches like shadows going through walls, gun poking out ect...

bigboy61483 08-16-2006 07:24 PM

very well. to some of us, it looks like u were hacking. thanx for explaining the situation.

SniperK 08-16-2006 09:15 PM

HAHHA THE funny thing is i wasn't near the doors for him to see the shadow when he was shooting me..other players saw it and even an admin was fishy about it so i dunno wut to say...

shoon 08-16-2006 09:20 PM

sniperk...i have played with you a lot and you know i dont hack...i probably got lucky...if you watch me play i shoot at doors all the time if ppl are on the other side of them...i just want a chance to be admin so i can help out on the server. i enjoy playing in it and hope to continue playing in it. and if you still dont believe me that i dont hack then i will give you my address and you can fly over to Az and check out my comps and watch me play.

Homizide 08-16-2006 09:26 PM

lol dudes I watched him today he poped out of the tunnels and shot at his own teamate.... :p

SniperK 08-16-2006 09:40 PM

its called toggleing..anyways liek i said a lot of players been accuseing u in the past like homi i disagreeded until yesterday...i kno a hacker when i see 1..i'm not no noob that accuses everyone of being hacks..most of the times i can't even tell if someone hacks cuz i pay to much attention to my own game..but killing me thru door like 5 times and pre fireing thru doors with out even knoing i was near it is a lil bs..and u did it a lot of times to other players to..like i said its not only me and other players its admin's 2

shoon 08-16-2006 09:43 PM

once again i apologize for being so 1337. but please continue watching and playing with me because i will assure you that i am not hacking and will never hack in this server or any other.

shanknbake 08-17-2006 11:12 AM

Despite SniperK's persistnace...I'm more than sure that shoon is legitimate. I've played with him on at least 20+ different occations and he has proven to be a soild player. He has my reccomendation as well.

(Just remember shoon...If you want HM (HostMaster) to like you...you have to let him kill you in-game) (it makes him think he's "still got it") :-P <3 <3

Homizide 08-17-2006 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by SniperK
its called toggleing..anyways liek i said a lot of players been accuseing u in the past like homi i disagreeded until yesterday...i kno a hacker when i see 1..i'm not no noob that accuses everyone of being hacks..most of the times i can't even tell if someone hacks cuz i pay to much attention to my own game..but killing me thru door like 5 times and pre fireing thru doors with out even knoing i was near it is a lil bs..and u did it a lot of times to other players to..like i said its not only me and other players its admin's 2

ive prefired on players?

SniperK 08-17-2006 12:40 PM

hahah i'm sorry that ur not leet.according to stats i kill u more then u kill me..and most of the kills you have prolly arent even me.becasue muy lil brother plays my account another reason y my KDR is so low in the server..if u watch psycho stats when i play i drop from 100+ to useally 10's-30's reason being i kill more then my brother and die a lot less.but besides the fact... to host master's comment i agree with the admin that told you about it..he may not do it all the time but i'm sure he does it..this will be my last post..and we'll let Hm rodent or who ever decide..

shoon 08-18-2006 01:57 AM

i too would like to add one more comment. if you allowed me to be an admin i would be one of the 2 admins that play in the server. in the past week i have only seen 4 admins in the game for about 20 - 40 min max a day. and they are always in the game at the same time. so i think that i would be a great asset for this server because i am a regular player.

Caladium 08-18-2006 07:22 AM

Hah, I'm in there all the time with and without you shoon ;D I'm just too lazy to change the name to CaladiumX, as my bro uses a different name in other servs. And no, I don't think you hack.

RoDenT 08-18-2006 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by shanknbake
Despite SniperK's persistnace...I'm more than sure that shoon is legitimate. I've played with him on at least 20+ different occations and he has proven to be a soild player. He has my reccomendation as well.

(Just remember shoon...If you want HM (HostMaster) to like you...you have to let him kill you in-game) (it makes him think he's "still got it") :-P <3 <3

ROFL, host never had it :D w00t

COM | T3h1337rMuffin! 09-09-2006 04:20 PM

any person talking about hacking in an admin application shouldnt get it until they prove they know the game. owing dosent count. understanding it does. They would be too eager to kick, punish etc. If you think someone hacks send a demo. Im yet to see a suspicious person on. I guess playing since 98 helps. Just cus someone walls you or is uber leet dosent mean they hack, and its not right to accuse. Dont mention anything in the server, just get a .dem and let the true vet admin watch it. Being you havent had admini in the past I wouldnt call you an athority, because theres alot more to being a good admin than most people think. An admin is here for the good of the server. not always staying super on top of hacking. It is a concern, but in my view its the last thing an admin should worry about. Cussing, racism, porn sprays, and map votes are probably all more important to regulate with. Sorry for the post, just felt the urge to reply.

COM | T3h1337rMuffin! 09-09-2006 04:22 PM

"i'm sorry that ur not leet.according to stats i kill u more then u kill me..and most of the kills you have prolly arent even me.becasue muy lil brother plays my account another reason y my KDR is so low in the server"

Sniper, Its a pub. You arent leet in a pub from your kd. Or non leet. I know people with .50 kd in most servers and they are cal m. what does that say. :)

SniperK 09-10-2006 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by COM | T3h1337rMuffin! (Post 5027)
"i'm sorry that ur not leet.according to stats i kill u more then u kill me..and most of the kills you have prolly arent even me.becasue muy lil brother plays my account another reason y my KDR is so low in the server"

Sniper, Its a pub. You arent leet in a pub from your kd. Or non leet. I know people with .50 kd in most servers and they are cal m. what does that say. :)

it says they suck at pub hahahah..u think cal is everything..haha i'm ex cal-i hahaha

COM | T3h1337rMuffin! 09-12-2006 09:45 PM

I doubt you are x cal-i. If so what irc were you guys on. Also what season. I know people from col, s2n, and some other old and new pro teams being I used to play in s2n back in the early pro days. Pre cpl. Being cal I is pro, I doubt you were.

I lost almost my whole ability to frag like I did when I played 12-14 hours a day and was pushin 10-20 scrims a day. I still have it, I just dont have the time to get it back.

SniperK 09-12-2006 09:48 PM

my irc chan was team_usa..and lowtek was my clan leader for CS:S..that was for 1.6 and also i was on 1shot.led my moynes witch was previously called e-police.us in cal-o led by zenxeon so..theres my cal resume.and be 4 cal even was alive..i was on clan_dn in WOGL witch was the #1 clan in WOGL in 1.0

chrisharper23 09-12-2006 09:57 PM

honestly though so dont think Im flaming, but if you're ex cal-I Wtf you doing playing on a pub, join back with a cal m/i team or play cevo and win something. I mean if you have the skill why waste it playing people who most are not regulars?

SniperK 09-13-2006 04:24 PM

reason being that was win i was in college and not working and did not have my own buisness now i don't have the time to dedicate my self to play that much..honstely i see where your coming from but gaming's not everyhing..i was sponsored and the money u get its not worth it..playing games for chump change is not worth it.i mean its kewl to get nice 500 dollar cases and stuff for cheep.but i enjoy making 20 times the amount of money working and not playing games.people get old and things have to change..i wish i was still 18 and still in high school/college with my parents support and playing cs all day..but it don't happen like that..

COM | T3h1337rMuffin! 10-01-2006 12:34 PM

god i miss those days. What has life come to. Real world sucks. Everyone thats under 17, dig a hole in your back yard, and bury your head. That might work in stopping the future from coming. :D

(PS sand would work much better!)

COM | T3h1337rMuffin! 10-01-2006 12:38 PM

I played back with #s2n back in the days. Ever heard of them. If you have played long enuf you probably have. Think the movie "gamers" and #1 ranked team from 00-03 in multiple leagues, all pro lan. I know how the money stuff is. Im not that good now adays, but thats because I dont play 12+ hours a day anymore plus training. Liek I said, I needa go bury my head in some sand. Might see muhommad on tv. They will come for me ahhhhhhhhh!

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