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-   -   didnt like my clan name [J.E.W] (http://www.pdgaming.com/forums/showthread.php?t=659)

GrapePopsicle 08-12-2006 01:42 PM

didnt like my clan name [J.E.W]
1. Name of Admin complaining against. [PD] Homizide
2. Date and Time of complaint.august 12 time 4:39
3. Server alledged abuse occured in. THE PDGAMING SERVER DE_DUST2 AND OFFICE
4. Detailed description of abuse. Include any evidence you may have of the abuse.

Homizide 08-12-2006 01:44 PM

Look I asked him to remove it, he didnt so I kicked him, he came back I asked again he still didnt remove it. So I kicked him again and he came back complaining. When al he had to do was remove JEW from his name.

GrapePopsicle 08-12-2006 01:49 PM

i am not going to remove my clan tag its my clan i like it i will not remove it its like saying u come to my server and i say remove ur name cause i dont like u wouldnt do and dont dare say u would ud be lieing

Homizide 08-12-2006 01:52 PM

I wouldnt care if I was to remove my PD tag, cuz im not on my server so why would I wear it? hHeck our level 5 admins dont even need to wear it, the only reason I have mine on its cuz im required. Anywho please dont post until another admin does.

Caboose 08-12-2006 03:35 PM

Popsicle, what does your tag stand for?

chrisharper23 08-12-2006 04:38 PM

Im like level 3 or 4 and lost the PD tag long ago, because my CAL clan tag doesn't fit.

Anyways Yeah I agree even though your clan tag is the acronym for JEW I feel you should just change it while you play on our server. Its not that hard to remove 3 letters to show respect for admins and other players who would feel that discriminative towards their background.

I feel loose the tag while you play or find other places to play until you adhere to the server owners rules which we (admins) enforce during play.

On side note you don't need all caps. His name has no reference towards other players.

Caladium 08-12-2006 06:24 PM

Am I missing something here? What's wrong with the word "jew" lol?

GrapePopsicle 08-12-2006 07:36 PM

Hmm Respect
U Wanna Talk About Fing Respect Respect U By Taking Off My Tag Hell No Its My Clan Tag Im Proud Of It I Dont Care Its Not Offensive I Play In Many Servers And No One Cares Its Not A Big Deal God Damn Loosten Up Ur ****ing Panties U Talywacking ****s

Caboose 08-12-2006 07:37 PM

It classifies a religion and is supposed to be offensive. I was merely wondering what J.E.W stood for. Most clan tags that have periods usually are an abriviation for a longer name.

GrapePopsicle 08-12-2006 07:38 PM

Honestly It Dosent Stand For Nuthing I Had A Few Freinds In London Who Though Of This Tag It Dosent Mean Nothing So I Dont Find Anything Wrong Wit It

GrapePopsicle 08-12-2006 07:47 PM

oh chris
and to respong to u chris about members who would find it disrepectful no one said anything except for UR disrespectful admin homozide he didnt even say could u plz change ur name instead he said change ur name now

bigboy61483 08-12-2006 07:52 PM

to some admins it is disrespectful to to their culture. sure. but to not all. since most didn't say anything and i was there observing. grape, i don't see why u shouldn't have that tag on. if jew wasn't in the tag and in the playername. then it would be more disrespectful. and that's just me.

GrapePopsicle 08-12-2006 07:54 PM

thx u big boy for seeing what ive been trying to say its not the player name its the tag

chrisharper23 08-12-2006 07:57 PM

well every admin will tell you in a different way. Im not his mom Im not telling him how to tell you to remove the tag. ok lets say its J.E.W

What if I had my clan tag K.K.K, or anything else, what if it doesn't even represent the kkk. To me it means nothing like your tag to you, but to others they see it as being offensive. You seem to be getting really upset about this, which you shouldn't. Its either yes or no IMO. But its not my server, I just make sure all the rules are being followed.

If not we'll have to get the server owner on this and waste his time on this, so in my opinion either remove it while you play or don't play.

I mean dude you said it means nothing its just something they came up with, ok, so if it doesn't mean anything, remove it while playing on PDs server how hard is that, I don't see why you can't understand that. How bout it?

GrapePopsicle 08-12-2006 07:59 PM

Dude Stfu No Offense But U And Ur ****ing Admin R A Bucnch Of ****ing Winey Ass Bitches I Mean Yeah Ur Right Kkk But If It Is K.k.k Its Not The Same As The ****ing Thing U Think It Is

HostMaster 08-12-2006 08:56 PM


I really don't care why you were banned at this point. I would have banned you for spouting off like you have on these forums you dick. Go play elsewhere, we don't want you here.

NOTE TO ADMINS: If you see GrapePopsicle, under any name, ban him on the spot. We don't need flamers here.

Homizide 08-12-2006 10:02 PM

I didnt even ban him, I kicked him thats it, its probably under the log, I said change your name, he said no so I kicked him, he came back I asked him to change it he didnt respond so I kicked him.

HostMaster 08-12-2006 10:06 PM

Well its clear to me that he deserves a ban. I've banned him from the forums because every post is a flame.

If he changes his attitude and doesn't act like an insecure retard in game then you might leave him be, its up to you - but for all I care he can be banned and stay that way.

jellydoughnut217 08-12-2006 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by HostMaster

I really don't care why you were banned at this point. I would have banned you for spouting off like you have on these forums you dick. Go play elsewhere, we don't want you here.

NOTE TO ADMINS: If you see GrapePopsicle, under any name, ban him on the spot. We don't need flamers here.

Holly christ! HM got angry AND he used a foul word!!! Im sooo saving this message. As to the topic of the tag J.E.W., the word jew is the same as the word christian or catholic. Its just a word that describes a person affiliated with that religion. Alot of people, for some reason, feel that the word Jew has negative connotations to it, however that is untrue. Ever jewish person i've met refers to themselves as a jew when asked their religion. The word jew is not derogative, it would only be derogative if their was some sort of modifier attatched, like dirty or something, but the word itself is in no way derogative. People need to realize this, it bugs me.

HostMaster 08-12-2006 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by jellydoughnut217
Holly christ! HM got angry AND he used a foul word!!! Im sooo saving this message. As to the topic of the tag J.E.W., the word jew is the same as the word christian or catholic. Its just a word that describes a person affiliated with that religion. Alot of people, for some reason, feel that the word Jew has negative connotations to it, however that is untrue. Ever jewish person i've met refers to themselves as a jew when asked their religion. The word jew is not derogative, it would only be derogative if their was some sort of modifier attatched, like dirty or something, but the word itself is in no way derogative. People need to realize this, it bugs me.

Your right Jelly. What should have happened was this:

1. Admin asks GrapePopsicle to change his name.
2. GrapePopsicle changes his name.
3. GrapePopsicle post a thread asking why he cannot have JEW in his tag.
4. Admins ask him why he has it.
5. Admins determine on the forums if the purpose of the tag is discrimanatory or not.
6. Admins likely allow GrapePopsicle to use the name in the future.

What happened was this:

1. Admin asks GrapePopsicle to change his name.
2. GrapePopsicle whines and complains about it and throws a hissy fit.
3. Admin kicks GrapePopsicle.
4. GrapePopsicle logs on forums and post flames in multiple threads.
5. GrapePopsicle gets banned from forums and the game.

I think its obvious who is responsible for where we are at now.

Homizide 08-12-2006 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by jellydoughnut217
Holly christ! HM got angry AND he used a foul word!!! Im sooo saving this message. As to the topic of the tag J.E.W., the word jew is the same as the word christian or catholic. Its just a word that describes a person affiliated with that religion. Alot of people, for some reason, feel that the word Jew has negative connotations to it, however that is untrue. Ever jewish person i've met refers to themselves as a jew when asked their religion. The word jew is not derogative, it would only be derogative if their was some sort of modifier attatched, like dirty or something, but the word itself is in no way derogative. People need to realize this, it bugs me.

yes but why bring religion into CS?

HmniQ 08-13-2006 11:26 AM

should this entire thread be deleted?

Caladium 08-13-2006 11:45 AM

Hom, he brought religion into the thread so you can understand the word jew is not always a derogatory comment.

Hooters 08-13-2006 11:47 AM

Just a thought,

The word Jew is a derogatory slang from the WWII era in Germany and surrounding areas to describe people of Jewish decent. Saying Jew is not the same as saying Christian or Catholic. Saying Jewish is the same. Jew is like saying an African Amercian person is a Nigger or something of the sort, but it is over looked as not being as serious because the Jewish people are accustom to being called a Jew or using it in our current society as a shortend version because we in america like using shortened slangs. To me (I'm of Jewish Heritage) it is not disrespectful but from some Hard Line followers it can be. Personally I think there shouldn't be a problem if it is not used in a derogatory manor in relation to bringing down the religion or focusing on the hardships of the 1920's-1950's (approximate). The initials J.E.W. are fine, they stand for obviously something else, what it is I donno but it's not derogatory.

On a side note, Admins calm yourselves, just because your admin you don't have to flex your muscles because you're in there, look for haxors or people just being idiotic. The way I see it is that the Admin's job is to keep the server full, if people aren't seriously complaning or leaving because of what someone is doing then don't do anything about it. React if a reaction is needed otherwise just have fun! The goal of the server is to have fun, not conflict, and keep the server full and to attract players who are respectful and keep coming back to be "regulars" on the the server.

*steps down* So yea party on an be happy!

chrisharper23 08-13-2006 03:09 PM

Congrats HOST, I was getting pissed at him but I can easily ignore things that people say, and the fact that Im 6'8 290 and they wouldn't say that to my face. But yeah we don't need flammers here disrespecting other players. Good call. I bit my tounge cuz I knew you would come in and lay the law down =) thanks =)

jellydoughnut217 08-13-2006 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by HostMaster
Your right Jelly. What should have happened was this:

1. Admin asks GrapePopsicle to change his name.
2. GrapePopsicle changes his name.
3. GrapePopsicle post a thread asking why he cannot have JEW in his tag.
4. Admins ask him why he has it.
5. Admins determine on the forums if the purpose of the tag is discrimanatory or not.
6. Admins likely allow GrapePopsicle to use the name in the future.

What happened was this:

1. Admin asks GrapePopsicle to change his name.
2. GrapePopsicle whines and complains about it and throws a hissy fit.
3. Admin kicks GrapePopsicle.
4. GrapePopsicle logs on forums and post flames in multiple threads.
5. GrapePopsicle gets banned from forums and the game.

I think its obvious who is responsible for where we are at now.

Oh, no i totaly agree on what happened, and that he should be banned, i was just talking about the word jew lol.

Liggy 08-13-2006 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by chrisharper23
Congrats HOST, I was getting pissed at him but I can easily ignore things that people say, and the fact that Im 6'8 290 and they wouldn't say that to my face. But yeah we don't need flammers here disrespecting other players. Good call. I bit my tounge cuz I knew you would come in and lay the law down =) thanks =)

hehe, that sounds funny.

I'd just kick you in the nuts then curbstomp you.

Caladium 08-13-2006 09:46 PM


I'd just kick you in the nuts then curbstomp you.
agreed, im not scared of the simple fact that you're 6'8 290 lbs ;D

RoDenT 08-14-2006 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Hooters

On a side note, Admins calm yourselves, just because your admin you don't have to flex your muscles because you're in there, look for haxors or people just being idiotic. The way I see it is that the Admin's job is to keep the server full, if people aren't seriously complaning or leaving because of what someone is doing then don't do anything about it. React if a reaction is needed otherwise just have fun! The goal of the server is to have fun, not conflict, and keep the server full and to attract players who are respectful and keep coming back to be "regulars" on the the server.

*steps down* So yea party on an be happy!

Every one of you needs to pay attention to Hooters on this one :D

I will not delete this thread, but I will close it. That way it can be read as a reference.

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