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HostMaster 12-07-2005 12:25 AM

Server is Dead. :(
Nite Nite Nite. Game server is dead. Hard drive failure. Tried to get it back up, just not going to happen. Needs a new drive + entire reinstall. Bummer. Hopefully it will be back up in the next few days. :(

RoDenT 12-07-2005 08:53 AM

nooooooooooooooo get it back up today i was gonna play today. I have no school.

Caboose 12-07-2005 02:27 PM

sad.gif omg host fix this msg thing (too short of msgs psshh)

HostMaster 12-07-2005 06:05 PM

I think its workign now. check it out. I spent at least 5 hours on this today. Encountered problem after problem, burned my hand on the processor too. ouchie.

Caboose 12-07-2005 07:31 PM

omg host i love you!

HostMaster 12-07-2005 08:20 PM

Quick rundown on how it went today.

System had 2 hard drives, mirrored. Drive #1, the bootable drive died. OK, fine, so I replaced hard drive 1 with a new different sized drive. Then I hooked up my cdrom and tried to start the install process of CentOS Enterprise 4.1. Wont load it. Got a different CD rom, loads, goes through the install, can't copy some random files off the cd so the install fails. Then I try Fedora Core 4, same thing, installs most of it, hangs up on some files. So.. I decide to take out the 2nd hard drive and try the original cdrom drive with CentOS. Works. But,.. I left the cover off the server. I figured it would only take 20 min or so no biggy. Half way through the server shut off. I thought it was fried. I touched the CPU heatsink and burned my hand, it was *extremely* hot. I let it cool down for 20 min or so and it started back up. This time *with* the cover on the server so air could flow correctly. Installed fine. Then I disconnected the cdrom, hooked up disk 2 containing our mirror, mounted the server back in the cabinet and booted the system. Once the system was booted, I mounted drive 2, copied the files over to our new drive, created our game server user, chown'd all the files and tried to launch the game through screen. screen wasn't installed so I had to import the keys for yum and I ran "yum install screen". After screen was installed the server started. But it thought its IP was so I shut it off and reconfigured the network settings and started the game back up. Seems to work fine..

The end. This only took 3 trips to the data center and about 5 hours of time.

RoDenT 12-07-2005 09:49 PM

thank you host for spending all your time and effort in fixing the server. We know you have a business to run and little time to work on these things. Thank you. =)

Homizide 12-08-2005 04:05 PM

Got dang it! Now youve forced me to go back to my old hobby for now. *comences masturbating*

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