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SniperK 07-14-2006 07:02 PM

we need admins dat freaking play the game theres more hackers in the server then fat people in the US .HOLY CRAP GIVE ME A BREAK...and no dun suggest me to take a screen shot and record a demo and all dat ****.its a waste of my time..why dun u guys do something and give people dat play admin dat actully knows how to play the game i'm tired of relying on 1 admin..dats y the server is never full is cuz there no admins dat freaking play the daym game to control the hackers

chrisharper23 07-16-2006 11:04 PM

Man when you speak ghetto it makes it hard for me and other players to comprehend what you're trying to say to us. It takes hardly any extra time to spell out that instead of dat and anything else you say.

I don't mean to nit pick but damn you look like an idiot saying all of that crap.

Caladium 07-16-2006 11:23 PM

Ugh, don't even start this dude. I play there a few hours every day and I agree there's been an increase in hackers lately, which I promptly ban them. You can't expect an admin to be on the server at all times though, that's why demos come in handy.

Liggy 07-17-2006 01:36 AM

dun h8, we be diz way cuz we iz kewl d00d. if u dun b rec0rdeng dem0z y bothur complayneeng in da ferrst playce.

Seriously though... If you don't want to be bothered to record a demo of a cheater, you shouldn't worry to much about us stopping what we are doing just to log onto the server to see if a cheater is on.

chrisharper23 07-17-2006 09:03 AM

recording hackers in a demo just really helps us, because if an admin is not logged in then you can show us and their steam Id and we'll make sure they do not come back. But yeah its hard for admins to just sit 24/7 in the server to watch hackers, but when we do go in, we do put an end to it. part of playing in the server is to also point out hackers. If you don't show us demos or ss because you don't want to be bothered, then you will continue to play with them until one of us log in, or you decide to do something about it.

Just be patient, they will get whats coming to them

LMAO @ liggy, lol nice!

SniperK 07-17-2006 09:08 AM

first off with the amount of admins this server has its 15+ how ever many the only 1 i see on is tat killerrabbit and cal...i just think with 15+ admins the server should be able to be monitored at all times...but thats my opion i guess..the 15+ not includeing host and Rodent..its a waste of my time to record hackers i got a #1 rank to keep up and how am i supposed to do that when i'm recording demo's.i can pick off at least 3 before the hacker gets to me and a 3-1 ratio a round is pretty daym good so i dun mind them but its still retarded because i would rather have the 5-1 or wut ever else i would be getting..i'm not here to gloat i just think that with the ammount of admins the server should be well rid of hackers and well monitored most of the day.

hope my grammer is okay for u sharp

Caladium 07-17-2006 01:02 PM

Haha I totally understand what you're saying, but seriously, demo or nothing will happen. And I'm surprised you noticed that I'm on rofl, I hardly ever use my name :P Usually Galvanized Roofing Nails or some other stupid name =D

SniperK 07-17-2006 01:32 PM

i dun see u on 24/7 but i see you on enough

chrisharper23 07-17-2006 02:53 PM

thanks sharp! I am usually on, just different names.

Liggy 07-17-2006 06:38 PM

I'm on when I can and how am I first on rank?

Requesting higher admin ability to reset my rank when I please. Thanks! :)

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