PD Gaming

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-   Admin Abuse (http://www.pdgaming.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=18)
-   -   IMPORTANT: Rules for posting in this forum. (http://www.pdgaming.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1)

HostMaster 12-10-2004 12:16 AM

IMPORTANT: Rules for posting in this forum.
If you would like to file a complaint against an admin, you MUST do it in this format:

1. Name of Admin complaining against.
2. Date and Time of complaint.
3. Server alledged abuse occured in.
4. Detailed description of abuse. Include any evidence you may have of the abuse.

Your complaint will then be investigated. Do not post again until an Admin has followed up. Be patient.

Hooters 12-19-2004 10:28 AM

MX is a bad admin haxor
1. Name of Admin complaining against: MaStEr~X
2. Date and Time of complaint: Sat. December 18, 7:03 pm
3. Server alledged abuse occured in: Pdgaming extreme gaming (Tustin, CA)
4. Detailed description of abuse. Include any evidence you may have of the abuse.
This admin started to abuse me he vote kicked me, then buried me then he slapped me a lot. After all this he just pwned me with his massive haxors. He should be banned from the server because he's gotta be a haxor with his uber l33t 102-0 scores. Hostmaster please take his admin away I don't like him. :p So yea please bann MX for those l33t hax and for being a bad admin.


Kyo 12-19-2004 06:25 PM

Isn't it MaStEr~X, not Master~X?

Hooters 12-20-2004 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Kyo
Isn't it MaStEr~X, not Master~X?

Why yes, yes it is... ...

Strange_Will 03-25-2005 08:07 PM

You know I just wanted to mention this, but seeing how popular your server is and seeing the admins on it, I'm quite impressed that no (real) complaints have been posted here, keep up the good work guys :)

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