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crazy wombat 04-05-2006 01:51 PM

+Mardoc+ abuses his powers
To whomever it may concern,

I was playing on the server, and had achieved the top place in the terrorist team when "Mardoc" switched me, and only me to ct, without asking. i am a "noob" and my ranking was from luck. I tried to switch back, but he returned me to ct's, again. I tried to ask him to switch somebody els who was "good" to the CT's, but he said no. When I tried to complain on my mike, he muted me. I do not believe that is how an admin should act. He was muting and slapping other players (except one named "scarface" who cursed over the mike, something I do not do). I hope actions will be taken to adress it. Thank you.

Time: from about 2:30-2:40 on Wednesday, April 5
Server: -OC 192 level3
Admin: +Mardoc+ (or something like that)
My server name: Mr. Garrison, (or south park related)

jellydoughnut217 04-05-2006 02:35 PM

regaurding him switching you to the other team, it is valid if the team you were on was dominating the game. It may be true that your rank was because of luck, but no matter you still are shown as the best player on the team when an admin looks for someone to switch. Trying repetedly to switch back is going against an admins decision and actualy shows player disobedience. Players are to respect admins and their descisions and this does not seem out of line to me at all. Now as for the slapping of players and allowance of cussing on the mic, that is a different story.

crazy wombat 04-05-2006 03:02 PM

I only switched once, not repeatedly, and when I asked him to bring somebody else so I wouldn't be the only good one on the team, he muted me.

HmniQ 04-05-2006 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by crazy wombat
I only switched once, not repeatedly, and when I asked him to bring somebody else so I wouldn't be the only good one on the team, he muted me.

This goes for all complaints: while anecdotal evidence is good, if you have a demo of the admin doing the actual thing you describe in your complaint, you will have a much stronger argument.

RoDenT 04-05-2006 08:20 PM

when switching you, he was in the right. telling you no, he was in the right. cussing on the mic depends on the admin. if it get excessive then the admin would do something about it. the admin cannot hear the other team's mics, so he might not be able to hear the swearing, so thats maybe why he didnt do anything about it.

if you witness any abuse though, then please don't hesitate to report it.

Homizide 04-06-2006 05:08 PM

yup, if teams are unbalanced ECT he is supoosed to switch you, wether you like it or not...

crazy wombat 04-06-2006 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by RoDenT
when switching you, he was in the right. telling you no, he was in the right. cussing on the mic depends on the admin. if it get excessive then the admin would do something about it. the admin cannot hear the other team's mics, so he might not be able to hear the swearing, so thats maybe why he didnt do anything about it.

if you witness any abuse though, then please don't hesitate to report it.

The cursing was on his teams mike, and he muted me without warning.

How do I create a demo?

Homizide 04-06-2006 09:13 PM

under console type demo, then type enddemo to stop filming..

SniperK 04-12-2006 01:02 PM

okay i have to say the whole demo idea is stupid..how u gonna record a demo of someone muteing u if u already been muted its dumb..and a waste of time...thats y the admins in this server arent very good players except for few spend to much time worrying aobu tother things..so dude the demo thing is stupid don't worry about it..and murdoc have been talked to by me and other admins so its okay..and if he keeps abuseing have other players come here and complain..thanx problem solved and hope u enjoy playing at pd-gaming..

P.S We're Recrutiing semi decent players for cal-o so shoot me a pm

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