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Hi BOb 01-26-2007 08:44 PM

WoW Errors
1 Attachment(s)
threw out my whole time of playing World of warcraft I been getting a error off and on and its been getting wrost up to not beening able to zone into instances including BF and shadowkeep. I took a sreen shot of the error message hoping it may be help in finding out whats wrong. I have reinstalled the game a good number of times thinking it was somthing wrong when I installed it the frist time, but it didn't do anything but waste my time. If you know ANYTHING that will help fix this problem it would be of great thanks from my heart.

Homizide 01-26-2007 11:37 PM

its a memorry problem it can write it so I think it cant find the file, or you dont have enough virtual memory, so defrag your hd.

Hi BOb 01-27-2007 11:04 AM

I want you kiss u

Homizide 01-27-2007 11:13 PM

lets.. right now ya big homo! :p ;)

MaStEr~X 01-28-2007 10:02 PM

I got that error yesterday. Low hard drive space ftl

Alt F4 01-29-2007 10:27 AM

I never had that issue, but he's a solution I found:

1. Uninstall World of Warcraft
2. Never play World of Warcraft again.

MaStEr~X 01-30-2007 10:02 PM

..and for those that beseech a step 3: Get a life.

Shorty 05-14-2007 12:03 AM


bigboy61483 05-16-2007 08:56 PM

yea, i figured. defragging doesn't do much to the hard drive. i would say get rid of some of the junk files and delete any internet history. defragging the hard drive is an option tho. if that doesn't work, reinstall the game. :D

Hi BOb 05-17-2007 02:59 PM

rofl? what the heck that was like 4 months ago but ya it did fix it.. even tho I did do what alt said
1. Uninstall World of Warcraft
2. Never play World of Warcraft again.
and I even did what MX said
3: Get a life.
that seemed to work out the problem also.

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