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Old 12-29-2004
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HmniQ HmniQ is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 229
Default Format for reporting cheaters

In general one should use the following format:

1. In-game name of the cheater
2. SteamID of the cheater
3. Type of cheat/hack
4. A demo of the cheating attached to the post and/or an admin's backing.

Proof that the SteamID matches the in-game name is good to have if you can get it. Examples: screenshot, condump, demo

If someone could post instructions on demoing (I don't have CS:S yet) under this post, it would be much appreciated.

-Edit by Kitch-
To record a demo, its exactly like Half-Life 1. Type in "Record" in console when you want to start recording, and "Stop" when you are finished recording. Demo's are prefered to be in spectator mode and in first person view(A demo from your view getting killed by the alleged cheater is not sufficent).

While the demo is being played, please type in "users" to get a listening of all people in the server with their steam_id's, this listing will pop up while an admin reviews the demo.

The demo will appear in your steam/steamapps/"email"/counterstrike-source/cstrike folder. Zip, upload, and thats it.

-/Edit by Kitch-
short sigs are sooo grood

Last edited by Kitch : 01-28-2006 at 02:38 PM.
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