oohhohhhh you need to get a finger scanner... a retinal scanner... voice controled computer... key locked computer case... hd back ups ( at lest 3 ) a back up computer ( in case she gets mad with a baseball bat ) get a armor plated monitor and computer case... get a laser grid protecting your computer... get a bad smelling computer chair so no one gets even close to your computer * cat pee works * ( note : get a gas mask if you use this one )... get a dumby computer case and have the real computer underground in a vault... you can get a keyboard that dont have any letters/ numbers on it so it would be hard to set a password... make sure you change the BIOs so when ever your wife trys to use the computer it changes to a back up HD that looks just like the one you use ( use a copyer hd programme )... or you can ALWAYS make it up to your wife and try to get the password from her using your skills with teh ladys you lady killer you! And ya I would juse try to make it up with the wife.. but I'm sure anyone of these will work so this will never happen again.
*Almost forgot here a link for the keyboard ;D
http://xoxide.com/das-keyboard.html *
One BOb to rule them all
hi, my name is Bob and I am a chips addict, I eat doritos and corn chips.. somtimes with salsa. *sits back down*
Host typing hate mail to Xoxide