lol lignite should never be called a hacker it might tickle him to much..and we all know i'm hax status...hahahah naw i was in there as well and i also assumed he was hacking cuz i have played with him in teh past...and he'd miss a whole lot..and i played with him yesterday he was shooting me behind a door be 4 he even came close of knowing i was there..i wasnt' bz being a stat whore..i woulda recorded a demo but i got a 2nd place spot on the server to with hold.and also he's been suspected by a lot of other players as well..i used to not think it cuz i didn't even think he was dat good..but the door thing happened like a million offence to u shoon..i think ur a kool.but don't make it to obvious
I Hate Stupid People But i Am Easy Going