So I was banned for saying "****" after being shot 5 seconds after spawn... hmm so I was gonna see if you guys could unban me =\ sorry aboot that forgot it was one of those non-cussing servers =\
Correction I said "****ttttttttttttt" (4 letter word starts with S)
My Steamname is same name as here guys...
I enjoy playing on your guy's server and such, met some pretty cool people who are regulars on it and we can get a good game going, sucks that uh I got banned
Thanks for reading hopefully we can work something out ^_^
And I was banned by the bot O_o
Edit: oh figured out the ID thing lemme get it:
Edit again:
1. Strange_Will
2. Admin-Bot
3. Language
4. Meh honest mistake/anger at CSS
sorry guys don't mean to foul up your server with my language