This is my application to become an administrator on your server
1. Your Name (Real name, last name not required)
2. In-Game Name
3. Have you read and do you agree with the rules posted here: ?
4. How long have you been playing Half-Life/Counter-Strike, etc?
5. How long have you been playing on our servers?
6. Do you have any admin experience? If yes, what mod, and what servers? (please list)
7. Why do you want to be an admin on our servers?
1. Nicholas Machado
2. ViRuSMoFo
3. Yes i agree with the rules at
4. I have been playing counterstrike for about 5 years now
5. I have been playing on your server for a couple months now, under different names
6. Yes i do have admin experiance on a couple 1.6 servers and 1 source server.
7. I would like to be an administrator so i can help make the server a better place for all gamers, by kicking out hackers and having map votes i feel that i can satisfy most of the server regulars.