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COM | Rushin'n 09-08-2006 02:33 AM

better setts IMO
1 First open the steam window and click games
2 now right click on counter strike source and then click properties
3 A window should pop up
4 From here click "Set Launch options"
5 A small window will come up ...

EXAMPLE " -dxlevel81 -tickrate 100 -gl

-dxlevel 90 = Directx 9.0
-dxlevel 81 = Directx 8.1 =best...Graphics and performance!!!!unless you have uber fast comp wit no lag..Geno.....!
-dxlevel 80 = Directx 8.0
-dxlevel 70 = Directx 7.0

-tickrate 100 smooths it all out....

-gl use if u have a NVIDIA graphics card....
-d3d use for ATI gfx card

-refresh "Refresh Rate"= only use if you know what your monitor can handle...

chrisharper23 09-08-2006 03:05 AM

Glad I don't need to worry about this.

Caladium 09-08-2006 06:12 AM

Yeah, same here. Beastly rigs win the day :)

COM | Rushin'n 09-08-2006 08:38 AM

:P u guys r no fun! lol

Alt F4 09-08-2006 11:13 AM

Can't wait until my rig is finished... 120 FPS here I come. ;)

AMD 64 X2 4200
2 GB DDR 400
2X 200GB Western Digital 7200 RPM SATA
2X nVidia GeForce 6800 (or higher) running SLI
Multi-Card Reader

Caladium 09-09-2006 08:24 AM

Heres what I got right now-
AMD 64 3500+
1 GB DDR 400
320GB Western Digital 7200 RPM SATA
nVidia GeForce 7800gt
Some crappy psu that can barely handle all that^

Sometime soon I plan on upgrading the cpu/ram/psu to..
AMD 64 X2 4600
Some beastly 600 watt psu :P
Some beastly mobo that'll take ddr2 :o

COM | Rushin'n 09-10-2006 10:51 AM

rawrrrr nooooooo dont get the dual core!!!!!! EVILLLL!!! G3nocid3 will hit you with his keyboard if u get dual core lol!!!!!seriously....lmao he mite throw a muffin that has a tapeworm in it at u!...!

COM | T3h1337rMuffin! 09-10-2006 08:23 PM

o man. I might have to just for him considering it.

Id rather see him get a mac. HAHA.

seriously, 4600 is 2 slow cpus on one die. rather have one fast than 2 slow. : D until the fx-70 comes out in a year or so i wont get a dual core.

Homizide 09-10-2006 08:36 PM

hey I have a mac. :mad: and I run CSS on linux! :D screw M$ im going home...

COM | T3h1337rMuffin! 09-11-2006 09:37 PM

I have a mac, a pc, a commadore 64, a nintendo 64 with unix on it, 3 pc's 10 servers, 3 cisco 3000 series switches, 2 smc tiger switch atm's , 4 linksys rack mount 8 port switches, 2 at&t 48 port and 1 200 port switch, a interphase box, and a WHOPPING 900 A month power bill :D , o and not to mention my gaming pc that has 2 turbo cool 510 psu's and 2 devanni 468 watt psu's running it all in sync :)


Ive run css on mac, linux, freebsd, and trying to get cs2d on my slivr. I just need to get more storage on it. : D

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