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MuRDoC 12-28-2005 04:56 AM

World of Warcraft.
Does anyone play WoW here? I just got it, and i am still kind of lost. 8(

MaStEr~X 12-28-2005 12:24 PM

Yeah, it's a pretty cool game.

Liggy 12-28-2005 01:43 PM

Yes, I do.

MuRDoC 12-28-2005 01:54 PM

i am lvl 10 human warrior.... anyone close to me?

Happy Hopper 12-28-2005 02:15 PM

This game has taken a year of my life :(

jellydoughnut217 12-28-2005 02:46 PM

yeah i just got it for christmas. lvl 16 elf druid, man i can totaly take out lvl 60's. What do u need help with thogh?

MuRDoC 12-28-2005 02:50 PM

ok i am a LVL 10 warrior (Human). Now my 1st profession is a blacksmith, But i want to be a Miner! Can't you pick to professions? I already went to that big castle Stormwind, and when i went to talk to that Dwarf miner Trainer he wont let me become one. Any ideas?

HostMaster 12-28-2005 04:37 PM

I got WoW for Christmas and now I'm a level 12 Paladin on Hyjal server. If you play on Hyjal, maybe we can join forces :)

jellydoughnut217 12-28-2005 06:10 PM

you have to talk to a blacksmith journeyman or something like that, you have to become an aprentice first and then work your way up. I play on akama for all that were dying to know

Liggy 12-28-2005 09:15 PM

60 Warlock
60 Hunter
60 Rogue
(Few alts midlevel)
Horde of course.


jellydoughnut217 12-28-2005 11:42 PM

GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEK....sorry man i just couldnt help myself, but i guess anyone who plays wow is a geek

Hi BOb 12-29-2005 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by jellydoughnut217
GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEK....sorry man i just couldnt help myself, but i guess anyone who plays wow is a geek

I been saying the same thing!! you got to love how geeks stay togeather tho... geek power! :D

Hi BOb 12-29-2005 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by Hi BOb
I been saying the same thing!! you got to love how geeks stay togeather tho... geek power! :D

(10:54:38) HstngSltns: i got it for Christmas. now im addicted
(10:55:28) HstngSltns: now i'm level 13
(10:55:54) cS Hi BOb: geeeeeeek
(10:56:10) HstngSltns: shutup or i'll make you go to mexico
(10:57:14) cS Hi BOb: WoW turns the modest people into geeks you have to amite
just another talk with host.. we should have our own talk show!

jellydoughnut217 12-29-2005 01:44 PM

actualy i consider myself more of a nerd

Kitch 12-29-2005 01:50 PM

Alliance - Destromath

A lot of IRL friends play together on that server. Our guild name is "Perfect Hair Forever", some random animated show on Adult Swim(This was before it got a deal with CN, they had a piolot episoide and the guild creators chose that name after watching the first episode)

60 NightElf Druid - Kitch
29 tweaked Dwarf Hunter(Warsong Gulch FTW)
And various alts that I may or maynot get to 60.

HostMaster 12-29-2005 11:51 PM

So how much time did it take you to level to 60?

MuRDoC 12-30-2005 12:06 AM

LVL 12 paladin! W0ot!

Kitch 12-30-2005 03:15 AM

Months. I should check my playtime, I know its well over 20 days.

But it was my first character, which means I had to learn all about WoW while leveling. And, druids are the hardest to level, especially before the feral upgrade patch about a month ago.

Now, say I started a mage or a hunter, I can probably get it to 60 in a month in a half, provided I had the time for it.

jellydoughnut217 12-30-2005 03:53 PM

ahhh balls no one told me druids were the hardest to lvl with. Oh well, hey do they kick ass at high lvls tho?

Kitch 12-30-2005 04:37 PM

Well, before Druids had their talent revamp, it was very hard to level. Now that they have a very good feral tree, leveling isn't so tedious.

And druids are very good in end game. Its easy to get into a group, as healers are always needed, and you can PvP pretty well, provided you're spec'd for it.

Liggy 12-30-2005 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Kitch
druids are the hardest to level, especially before the feral upgrade patch about a month ago.

Druid wasn't hard. Just slow. The druids complained about not putting out enough DPS. But then again, every class complains about not enough DPS (see Paladins)

If you want a class that can Tank the bajeebers out of anything that swings, and can put out DPS higher (with the right talents) than a decently equipped rogue, druid is for you. Extremely versitile and high survivability.

Liggy 12-30-2005 05:12 PM

Oh, as for leveling, takes roughly 10 days for an average person to level to 60. That is no instances or farming for X items.

What I recommend is take it nice and slow with your first character. Learn the game, enjoy the scene, because once you hit 60, it's just farming/raiding for better gear then. Yes, it's nice the first time you step into the high end instances, but after that, doing it hundreds of times, it is boring.

RoDenT 01-02-2006 10:25 AM

im too lazy to read all your posts right now, but i have to say all u alliance will suffer mine and liggy's horde wrath. I admit i have a level 60 NE Rogue. Being a NE was the biggest mistake ive made in this game. Change to the horde now and get on the deathwing server. =)

I currently have a level 45 Undead priest and a 46 undead rogue.

Everyone who has an alliance char on this thread, needs to switch to horde and join the deathwing pvp server. I know the alliance is pretty, but trust me, you'll thank me later.


bleh! 01-02-2006 01:11 PM

WoW sucks. :(

Happy Hopper ditches us for that damned game. >;(

jellydoughnut217 01-02-2006 04:21 PM

screw horde, everyones horde because horde always wins. I like being an underdog

RoDenT 01-03-2006 07:59 AM

im horde because the alliance are a bunch of kids. the horde pugs in pvp can organize themselves, where as the alliance pugs in pvp don't. They don't want to organize because they dont know the meaning of working together. Plus, the horde quests are much much better than the alliance quests in my opinion.

Godsend 01-05-2006 03:22 PM

i have a 60 NE druid on mal, ganis as well as a 55 gnome warrior.

also have a 20 orc hunter on bloodscalp.

WoW made me quit cs

druids are so EASY to lvl. i had a druid in beta and have been playing one since release... we suck at dps but we can go anywhere and do anything..

Alt F4 01-09-2006 01:20 PM

I've been playing WoW since August 2005, but I stopped playing from September-December. I just started back up recently and thus far have:

lvl 35 Human Mage - Sageras Server (total playtime 8days 6hours)
lvl 12 Gnome Warlock - Sageras Server (8hours)
lvl 10 Orc Rogue - I forgot which Server (3-4hours not sure)

I'm still a n00b but I have over 300 Honor Kills (100+) outside of Battle Grounds on my Mage, so I can hold my own pretty well. I friggin HATE shamans! :P

jellydoughnut217 01-09-2006 01:35 PM

i dont care what anyone says, hunters are more overpowered than anything else

HostMaster 01-09-2006 01:38 PM

I've been playing since Dec 26, 2005 and this is what I have:

Level 26 Human Paladin on Hyjal Server (3 days play time)
Level ~9 Human Paladin on Sageras Server (<10 hours play time)

I may start a Horde character just to learn more about them, but my main goal is to level up my Paladin on Hyjal.

Hi BOb 01-09-2006 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by bleh!
WoW sucks. :(

Happy Hopper ditches us for that damned game. >;(

Amen. you people make me sick.

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