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HostMaster 04-27-2006 10:06 PM

Donations Thread for New Server
Here is the deal, we need a new server and I'll pay for half of it if we can get the other half in donations. The new server should eliminate lag on our CS server and allow us to host 1 additional game yet to be determined (Though probably Fortress Forever). You can paypal money to paul@wshost.net or mail a check to:

Paul Phillips
PO Box 25423
Anaheim, CA 92825

If you mail payment, make sure you indicate that it is for pdgaming donation and write anonymous if you don't want your name to appear here.

We need about $700 as a new Dell server that will do the job is $1400 (when they are on sale) Donations received so far:

1. $22 (Anonymous)
2. $350 (Fishing For Bullets/Michael Kromer)
3. $50 (Jolly Roger)
4. $1 (Rodent)
5 $50 (Kitch)

Amount remaining until we order new server: $227.00

You can be assured that your donations will be used for this purpose. I realize that we may not be able to raise $700, and if that is the case I will *eventually* buy a server and pay the difference. But it will be *much*, *much* sooner if we get enough donations. Probably a year without enough donations before I would pay more than half to buy a server. So please donate!

Who will be next? Click the link below to pay via PayPal. Thanks and happy gaming!


Caboose 04-28-2006 03:13 PM

I will as soon as I get paid.

jellydoughnut217 04-28-2006 03:33 PM

hostmaster, the fact that you are even suggesting that you will pay half the cost of a new server for us to play CSS on reminds me of how awesome you are

Homizide 04-28-2006 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by jellydoughnut217
hostmaster, the fact that you are even suggesting that you will pay half the cost of a new server for us to play CSS on reminds me of how awesome you are

Kiss Ass... lol jk jk!

HostMaster 04-28-2006 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by jellydoughnut217
hostmaster, the fact that you are even suggesting that you will pay half the cost of a new server for us to play CSS on reminds me of how awesome you are

I didn't think of it that way, but hey now that you mention it, thanks! hehe

Seriously though, I enjoy hosting the games for you guys. To let you in on a little secret, if we get enough donations by the time Fortress Forever comes out we will be hosting both CSS and Fortress Forever on it. And all the TFC fans cheer. hehe

shanknbake 04-30-2006 01:13 AM

Tfc Fan: "yay!!!!!!! ::cheer::"

Fishing For Bullets 04-30-2006 10:52 AM

How do you guys take donations, just pay pal?

How about I send you a check.

Are you interested in a server, I build computers. To heck with dell?

I have a server with a T1 connection that will do the trick. I like playing on your server, I have alot of fun, but your server lags to much.

Drop me an email.


Homizide 04-30-2006 10:53 AM

I love you mike!

HostMaster 04-30-2006 09:00 PM


Bandwidth is not a problem. We host *lots* of very high traffic sites on our Gigabit network. The game server has 100Mbps at any given time at its full disposal. The problem is that it is running on the same server that I bought when we rolled out our CS 1.3 server. Its only a 2Ghz P4. We are going to buy a dell because we have a deal with dell since we buy servers from them for all kinds of other hosting, and because if there is a problem with it it will be easier to fix, since we have more of the same.

Appreciate your offer though, but we just need donations at this point for a server. We have all other infrastructure already in place.

Fishing For Bullets 05-01-2006 09:57 AM


So it appears you are looking for a dedicated server, and you want donations to get it.

How Much do you have, minus the $700.00 you said you would contribute?

What type of guarantee is there that the donations will be directed to a dedicated game server? If none is the answer, it makes it difficult to donate.

You can see were I'm going, and by the way you never told me how to donate other than PayPal.

The server I have is ip

Could be used to scrim on, check it out.


RoDenT 05-01-2006 10:23 AM

Paul's word is good enough for me :D

Hi BOb 05-01-2006 10:30 AM

I'll give you ALLLLL my moneys!!!! ....*hum*.... enjoy!

HostMaster 05-01-2006 10:35 AM

100% of the donations will be used toward a dedicated server. The total that has been donated will be kept up to date in the first post of this thread. You can mail in payment to the address listed on the first post as well. So we take paypal, cash, money orders, checks.

Now I do realize that we may not be able to raise $700. If that is the case, I will eventually use what we *do* have and buy a server anyway - meaning I will pay the difference. Though the upgrade will happen MUCH MUCH sooner if we get donations. I'm offering to pay half and would rather not pay more than that.

If you donate, the amount and your name (or anonymous - your preference) will be added to the first post in this thread. This way everyone can track the status of the donations. When it hits $700 I'll buy a server from Dell.

Just to be clear, we are buying a physical server, housing it in our data center, and Phillips Data is paying for all other fees including bandwidth, etc as we have been since CS 1.3. We are not renting anything from any third party and we make no money from hosting the game server.

Fishing For Bullets 05-01-2006 10:44 AM

Sand Dweller
And what's up with the Sand Dweller, where did that come from.:cool:

RoDenT 05-01-2006 10:45 AM

and believe me. the server will be housed in the data center like he said, but it wont be alone. the server will have other friends, which are servers as well, to chill with that are also owned by phillipsdata. it will be locked in a locker making sure the server is safe. and because it is not alone, the server will stay happy all the time because it has friends to be with all sharing the same locker. hopefully the servers dont get sick of eachother while they are cohabitating =P But this will be a nice, fun, friendly environment for the server :D

HostMaster 05-01-2006 10:46 AM

Sand Dweller is a creature in HL2 and it will change as you make more posts.

HostMaster 05-01-2006 10:48 AM

LOL Rodent.

Rodent is, I think, the only person who has actually seen our data center and touched the game server.

If it gets you all excited I may post a pic of the DC.

RoDenT 05-01-2006 10:55 AM

i almost had an orgasm when i saw and touched it. if i saw a picture i dont know what i would do again.

and to everyone, i met paul, and hes even sexier in person =P

RoDenT 05-01-2006 10:59 AM

also, to anyone that is wondering how you can get the opportunity to see the server, here is how it is done.

first, you need to cut off paul's hand because it checks ur finger prints to even get inside the data center.

then you need to put on paul's face, because there is a camera that checks ur face to the id you need to wear and it compares it to their database. no faking ID's here....you need to actually wear his face.

And finally when you get past that security, you need to find the locker the server is in and find out the locker combo.

Good luck. :D

Fishing For Bullets 05-01-2006 02:31 PM

Hostmaster (Do you got a name),

Got the address, will send you a check, it's in the mail.

I hate it when I try to connect to your server and I get kicked because I'm using a reserve slot, can that be corrected once you receive my donation?

Correct me if I'm right, you donated $700.00, and you have one anonymous for $22.00. That brings the total to $722.00. hmmm.

I'm sending a check for $350.00, I'll go half of the half. Why don't some of you others step-up.

I wasn't looking to rent my server, I have a dedicated CSS server on a T1 connection out there for anyone to use. You want to admin it, have fun. It sits in my office at work as a dedicated server, was just offering its use. Not very many people play on it, would just like to see it used.

Built the computer 6 months ago, has a AMD X2 4400, 4 - 160G SATA HD's in Raid 0, 4G Ram. Good for CSS dedicated server.

I love playing CSS, just not that good at it. Need tactic help. My son is very good at it, just can't get him to play that much anymore, he likes WOW.

I hope you hit your mark soon, that lag is killer sometimes:mad: .


p.s. That it just mean making me a Sand Dweller, lol.

jellydoughnut217 05-01-2006 02:53 PM

[quote=Fishing For Bullets]

I'm sending a check for $350.00, I'll go half of the half. Why don't some of you others step-up.


dear lord. You are the man. I have no job or source of income. Im on the same level as bob when it comes to cash.

Homizide 05-01-2006 04:31 PM

damn if you posted this like 2 weeks ago host you could of have 5000 from me!! I just spent it on a new server/OC3 connection. Im hopping to strike up a deal with NTL....

chrisharper23 05-01-2006 07:24 PM

HM Im sending off my check this week to ya. Hopefully we can get enough to match your price. If not I guess a least inexpensive server would be good I guess.

HostMaster 05-01-2006 09:49 PM

Wow, very nice offer Mike. My name is Paul Phillips so make the check out to me with pdgaming donation in the memo line.

The total on the first post of this thread is $22 because my $700 donation will be added when we hit $700. Since it comes from me, no need to paypal myself the money. :)

It kicks you for using a reserved slot? Strange.. but yeah I'll fix it if I can. Any idea what causes it?

Interesting that your son likes WOW, I've been playing that a bit recently. That game is addicting. Looking forward to some good CSS lag free though.

Thanks,.. and your Sand Dweller status will change after like 20 posts or so.

That AMD system you built has some nice stats, surprised more people don't play on it.

-- And Chris, thanks for sending in a check soon here too. At this rate we'll have a new server up before we know it.

Hi BOb 05-02-2006 08:10 AM

:'( people care about us... *crys on Pauls shoulder*.. *sniff* you make me so happy guys! .. even you brian!!! *hugs*

RoDenT 05-02-2006 09:18 AM

lol what did i do?

Fishing For Bullets 05-02-2006 02:44 PM

Reserve Slots

Regarding the Reserve Slots, I only get that message when there are 20 or 21 people on the server. I'll try to connect with 20 and the console message I get is "You were disconnected for using a reserve slot". I will not be able to connect until it gets to 19 or less. Not sure if this will help you or not.

Hope you are able to get the server, sooner rather than later. Come on fellas pony up. If you guys are anything like my son, you waste to much money on your girl friends.:eek:

Hope to see ya playing on the server some day.


chrisharper23 05-02-2006 04:42 PM

haha that's why its best to be single currently, all my money stays with me. I am in the middle of a conflicted decision. I just bought a house, now I am debating whether I trade in my expedition for a H2, or a 2001 mercedes C320. hmmmm

Hooters 05-02-2006 08:01 PM

Wow... Host, if you want help setting up the server or anything let me know I'll lend some time after the 20th of May, I only have summer school for 10 weeks after that then it's off to find a job. But I will be down in OC interviewing for atleast a few days, that could be extended if you want extra hands... YIPPY!!!

KillerRabbit 05-03-2006 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by RoDenT
also, to anyone that is wondering how you can get the opportunity to see the server, here is how it is done.

first, you need to cut off paul's hand because it checks ur finger prints to even get inside the data center.

then you need to put on paul's face, because there is a camera that checks ur face to the id you need to wear and it compares it to their database. no faking ID's here....you need to actually wear his face.

And finally when you get past that security, you need to find the locker the server is in and find out the locker combo.

Good luck. :D

Rodent, you diffently need to play wow less and play on the css server :D

Hi BOb 05-05-2006 11:17 AM

Hoots its almost our birthday! YAY

RoDenT 05-05-2006 11:33 AM

Chris, whatever you do, dont get a fake hummer, aka the h2 or h3. YUCK.

chrisharper23 05-05-2006 11:43 AM

Actually it was either a H2, I hate the H3's I am like 6'8 285lbs and the H3 is a joke of an suv, my expedition owns it! lol

I have chosen to go with the Mercedes C320. Man its perfect! If they allow me to trade in my car and pick it up, I dont' see why, I got A++ credit, I have good income since I just moved, and the cars only 21K.

I mean I like the size of SUV's since Im a big guy, but Im not doing anything with the extra size, and I could cut costs on gas, I mean I got the money for gas, but the benz would be a hell of a lot less at the gas station and I mean its a benz.

RoDenT 05-05-2006 11:44 AM

lol, its a benz, you cant go wrong. If you were even contemplating a hummer...i would go with the original. That thing is a beast >=)

jellydoughnut217 05-05-2006 02:39 PM

geo metro, convertable.

chrisharper23 05-05-2006 08:58 PM

jelly, my head would sit over the windshield, lol. Not cool. lol

noob 05-05-2006 09:26 PM

damn chris u must be rich getting a hummer with gas prices at a all time high thats like 50bucks a week for gas for that hummer maybe more

chrisharper23 05-06-2006 08:19 AM

fo' sho' anton! But Im actually passing up on the H2, gas is pretty high out here, not as bad as out there. But dude Im getting like I was telling Rodent, a mercedez benz C320! here's a pic of what it looks like, this isn't the one but this is the same yr/model


noob 05-07-2006 02:35 AM

pretty ugly IMO maybe if u put some rims on it and tint the windows it might look ok but why dont u get a new car and not focus on the make so much cause thats overpriced pos get a dodge charger now thats a car

Hi BOb 05-07-2006 08:42 AM

hey show off post in the SHOWOFF FOrUMS GOSH.. hey noob.

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