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danny 01-03-2006 09:39 PM

Stacking teams and lag
i think the two biggest problem on this server is the ability to stack the teams and the occasional lag during the game. I think its absurd to see people stacking the CT team when the map changes, its usually 6 vs 18 or worse. It auto-balance automatically after 2 or so rounds however people start stacking teams again and the team never balance out. It would be great if you guys could change this so players wouldnt be able to change team unless the teams are lopsided in terms of quantity of players. The other problem is the occasional spike lag in the server. It's not a big problem since it doesnt happen often, nevertheless, it would be nice if it was fixed. That is all i have to say about the server, other than those two the server is great. thanks.


HostMaster 01-04-2006 12:54 AM

I'd like to replace the server with a nice dell 3+Ghz xeon but we need $1200 to do that. I'd personally pay half if we could raise $600 in donations. That will fix the ocassional lag.

As far as stacking.. I think thats common in most servers, though its a good thing it auto balances. Perhaps there is something else we can do to autobalance first round too? Let me know if there is.

jellydoughnut217 01-04-2006 02:40 PM

i try to balance teams as often as i can, i even have the command memorized. p for admin menu, then 1 then 6, and tada

Helo 01-23-2006 08:28 PM

RE: Stacked Teams
Dear Chain of Command, Members, and Visitors:

As I play in the server, I am always trying to unstack the teams as best as possible, but it is hard when people who are administratively moved just switch back. But for those that stick it out, I truly appreciate it.

I always try and trade teams as often as possible, especially if I am doing well, to even the teams up a bit. Another trick I have used is to just do a random switch of multiple players (as some of you might have experienced), instead of just a one-by-one trade which can take forever.

I urge the veteran players to always try and even up the teams as much as possible, or else people will leave against such unfair odds.

Anyone else have any other ideas as to what the administrators can do to unstack the teams?

RoDenT 01-23-2006 08:34 PM

helo, if any assholes like that switch back after u switch them, tell them u switch em for a reason. if they bitch and moan, kick them, but dont ban. I get sick of the people that keep switching back after I switch them. Some will reconnect to the server thinking I won't notice when they go back to the team acting like they are a new player. Just kick the bitches that fight you after you move them a couple times repeatedly.

Hi BOb 01-23-2006 08:39 PM

I love the people that complan about the server when its full so I just say " leave then I'm sure theres more people trying to get in that would want to play in here" sure enough they leave and 2 sec later a new guy joins on in happy and joyfull.. itsnt it weird that one guy is always happy and joyfull.. I wounder if that guy that just joined was like I dont want to be here I waited in line but I dont want to be here. AHA and leaves.. makes one think..

RoDenT 01-23-2006 08:42 PM

check the steamid if u want to be really anal about it. ill even write down the steamids of the ppl that keep changing back, so i know if they reconnect under a diff name or not.

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