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Alt F4 12-29-2006 04:17 PM

Playstation 3
I got a Playstation 3 for Christmas!

Call of Duty 3
Resistance: Fall of Man

And I have to share Need For Speed: Carbon with Master~X.

I also set up my PSP to work with my PS3, which is pretty sweet.

I now own one of every generation of Sony Playstation game systems, including handheld. Woot.

MaStEr~X 12-29-2006 05:58 PM

Yes, I have a PS3 as well. I am half way completed with Need for Speed: Carbon. 67 Camaro and 69 Charger ftw.
We should link up the PS3's and see if we can play Fall of Man co-op.

Alt F4 12-29-2006 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by MaStEr~X (Post 5629)
Yes, I have a PS3 as well. I am half way completed with Need for Speed: Carbon. 67 Camaro and 69 Charger ftw.
We should link up the PS3's and see if we can play Fall of Man co-op.

I think we'd need multiple copies of the game to play like that... perhaps there is a way? I dunno. It'd be really cool if we could play on separate TVs.

HostMaster 12-29-2006 10:40 PM

show offs


all that and you cant even play cs on it

Homizide 12-30-2006 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by HostMaster (Post 5635)
show offs


all that and you cant even play cs on it

yes you can you first run a light wait PPC linux aka damn small with a tweak then run wine with CS in it. It wont run CS:S but it runs CS at high settings. :p

Alt F4 12-31-2006 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by Homizide (Post 5637)
yes you can you first run a light wait PPC linux aka damn small with a tweak then run wine with CS in it. It wont run CS:S but it runs CS at high settings. :p

It could potentially run CS:S.

BTW: Resistance - Fall of Man is AWESOME online.

chrisharper23 12-31-2006 06:05 PM

sweet, cheers for next gen gamers!!!

I for one prefer my GEARS OF WAR on my 42" plasma at 1080i..... Now that is freaking badass!!!!

Alt F4 01-01-2007 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by chrisharper23 (Post 5645)
sweet, cheers for next gen gamers!!!

I for one prefer my GEARS OF WAR on my 42" plasma at 1080i..... Now that is freaking badass!!!!

Aw... 1080i, is that all?

Try 1080p, schwing!

chrisharper23 01-01-2007 06:35 PM

older plasma tv, oh yeah 1080i must be crap huh?


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