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Old 12-22-2004
UrbanMerc |- Godsend UrbanMerc |- Godsend is offline
Sand Dweller
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 17

here are the rules we sent out to our admins. you have pretty much everything covered except #6

Admin Rules:

As an UrbanMerc admin you represent everyone in the UrbanMerc server community. Any mistreatment of admin, or disrespect by you as admins will result in a lesser view of us as a clan, and community. therefor we have a few rules, and wish that they be followed. We have trust in you all and dont think that mistreatment will be much of a problem. But to keep order in the server, here are the guidelines we would like all admins to follow

1) Treat everyone with respect
- We are not asking for you all to be perfect angels, just be aware of what you are saying, and to whom its to. Being a part of UrbanMerc is being a part of something great, and with that your actions reflect back on the rest of the clan.

2) Admins are nothing more then regular players with the ability to keep the game fun for everyone and ban cheaters.

3) Only use admin when needed
- The less you use admin the less likely you are to abuse. Constant commands, ex. Slap, Slay, Map Changes. the more you use them, the less enjoyable it is for everyone else. Admins should not use admin unless ABSOLUTELY necessary, this includes csays, tsays and vsays.

4) Make sure when you are using your admin its for the good of the server, and not the good of yourself...
-Feel free to gag, llama, slay, or slap just as long as there is a g00d reason for it. Like someone not doing their objective. Just try to give warnings first, that way its not such a suprise to noobs who dont know what to do. Also we ask that if you are going to change map, first do a admin_vote_map. If that fails and you think the map should be changed ask the server what they think or just do an admin_vsay Different map? or Change to de_dust? this will give the people who are playing the right to choose as well. We dont want the admins to be choosing just what they want.

5) Be fair in your decision to use admin
-goes along with #3, make sure there is a good reason for the admin_command you are using

6) If you are in a bad mood or having a bad day, its best to just not sign into admin.
-I know we all have those days that we are not in the mood to take any **** from anybody, but these are the days when you are most likely to use admin in ways it shouldnt be used. When your pissed you are more likely to take it out on everyone else, so we ask that if you are to play when in a ****ty mood, then dont use your admin.

7) Use admin chat before doing any big admin commands.
- I say this because i know that not everyone is always using the alias we know them by, and if we have 4 admins in the server all under different names, map changes, and other admin commands might come as a suprise to them, so just make sure you use admin_chat before making a drastic change

8) It is ok to play incognito, but if commands are being run and noone is fessing up to them you need to make yourself known, you don't have to do it in public. admin_chat is fine. this will help elliminate accusations and help keep everyone happy.
(see rule #6)

9) Have fun
- Admin can be a bitch sometimes, and it can be a pain to have the responsibility. These rules werent meant to take away any of the fun. They are meant to keep the server at its best, and to keep everyone who plays here happy. Enjoy yourself, Use your admin to make the server a better place, and we will all have fun.
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