Thread: Need som help
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Old 09-11-2006
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hahahahahahaha. O trust me. Valve/steam dont want to hear any complaints. My email is banned from their email addr. I sent too many bugs and complaints to just be a pain, rather than use the report bug utility in cs. HAHA. I hate steam. Steam should be beat with a broom and shot with my de.

Won / Gamespy was so much better. SOOOOOOOO much better. Patches were a pain, manuel download, o well. I found it smoother, vac wasnt worth a hope tho. but heck noone cared if people did cheat in pubs, there was sooooo many players and soooooo many admins, that no cheaters remained unbanned in most decent servers. Heck, admins even got bored and tried to ban them selves. God i miss the days of pointless rambling, throwing computer parts at lans, and tossing someones (person accused of hacking) comp out the door onto the parking lot concrete. Then throwing him out and having a good old fashioned knife fight at long a. All in the same night haha. Where is this going¿
free tapeworm?

Last edited by COM | T3h1337rMuffin! : 09-11-2006 at 09:54 PM. Reason: found a cuss word
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