- I suggest the server be put up and running.
- I think it would be swell, by golly, to get adminmod (when at all possible).
- The server name be addressed as follows: " PD Gaming -".
- A scheduled csay message of "Stats and Forums\" should be advertised approximately four (4) times each level.
- All maps be rotated through on the server with occasional (once every level) voting for maps with a change of map upon a super majority vote (2/3).
- Start money at default: $800
- The potential admins (that have listed their "resumés" in the Application for Admin section) are to be reviewed carefully and placed on strict one (1) month probation of their powers* upon becoming an admin, should they be given it, to ensure a stable gaming enviornment, maintain gamers' revisitation, and to keep admin abuse to a minimum while the server is building itself up.
- No potential admin applicant shall be reviewed unless his/her "resumé" be posted in the Application for Admin section.
- Training of rules and general what-to-do/what-not-to-do decision making be given to new admins to clarify their accepted usage of administrative powers.
- Extra money be provided in-game to members of the forum whom have become a Champion at an arcade game and/or extra money be provided in-game to members of the forum (if at all possible).
- The level timelimit should be between 25 and 45 (preferably 30) minutes.
- The MOTD welcome message should have a link for donations.
- A weekly poll be established asking how well the server has been doing that specific week and final results should be sent to members of the "High Court" via e-mail for consideration.
*Probation of powers: Intensively watched usage of administrative powers to confirm that it is not used unless absolutely necessary (e.g. cheating). Temporary or indefinate removal of administrative powers to be determined by the "High Court" if probation should be violated.