Well, first of all you HAVE to worn the person of they're wrong doing. Once I played with a guy and he was hacking, so I ask nicely to turn them off and he did and played a good clean game. You can't just ban/kick random people you just can't. There are people who can like HostMaster but thats about it. When it comes to camping its a very touchy subject. Myself love to camp in games like this and snipe people, but there is a limit to the camping and camper. Like if I'm the last one I tend to stop camping and go for the win. however that doesn't mean if they're a camper 1 vs 1 you DONT have to kick them sure you want to play the game more but waiting is somthing most of you new tiger happy admins need. your to fast at jumping into things that later on will hurt you. I know it matters on who it is like some people just camping to make people mad ex. This doesnt always mean kick/ban them it means you have to talk to him(or just kill him if you on the other team). And as admins that are jumpy and want to use they're awesome powers to show how big they are just grow up and act like a true admin.
Hi BOb out.
One BOb to rule them all
hi, my name is Bob and I am a chips addict, I eat doritos and corn chips.. somtimes with salsa. *sits back down*
<-- Host typing hate mail to Xoxide