here is another, with videos
Everyone was complaing about this guy. I played with him earlier, and i thought he was fishy, well i thought i would record him.
1st off, everyone complained he had wall hacks, and i can see why, he shoots thru a few boxes (seen in video #2 when he jumps down to underpass) and hits a guy with awp.
2nd off, I personally think he had an aim bot of sorts, he wouldn't even get close with the crosshairs yet, he always hit them.
3rd off, if you still don't believe me, he should be banned for flash banging his own team, EVERY ROUND. All 3 videos shows this, he would also throw smokes at his team to get them stuck.
# 462 "G4yM2N" STEAM_0:0:4153168 30:49 106 0 active
Also, where can i host these videos, or send them?