Here is the deal, we need a new server and I'll pay for half of it if we can get the other half in donations. The new server should eliminate lag on our CS server and allow us to host 1 additional game yet to be determined (Though probably Fortress Forever). You can paypal money to or mail a check to:
Paul Phillips
PO Box 25423
Anaheim, CA 92825
If you mail payment, make sure you indicate that it is for pdgaming donation and write anonymous if you don't want your name to appear here.
We need about $700 as a new Dell server that will do the job is $1400 (when they are on sale) Donations received so far:
1. $22 (Anonymous)
2. $350 (Fishing For Bullets/Michael Kromer)
3. $50 (Jolly Roger)
4. $1 (Rodent)
5 $50 (Kitch)
Amount remaining until we order new server:
You can be assured that your donations will be used for this purpose. I realize that we may not be able to raise $700, and if that is the case I will *eventually* buy a server and pay the difference. But it will be *much*, *much* sooner if we get enough donations. Probably a year without enough donations before I would pay more than half to buy a server. So please donate!
Who will be next? Click the link below to pay via PayPal. Thanks and happy gaming!